Part 1 - Luigi's Lament

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Luigi was currently laid in bed, his eyes shut as his arms were spread out to his sides. His hair was a mess and he had barely gotten out of his bed for the past few months, only to shower and to go fill in for Mario. He rarely ate within these months, giving himself little alarms to wake himself up from his naps to do these things. He stared to his wall which was covered in a grey wallpaper, then his eyes travelled to his black curtains that was only letting in a streak of light against his grey sheets, his cheek being squished a lot as he laid. His phone lay silent at his side, but as he lifted his hand out of the abyss of his sheets and clicked it on, the screen lit up with a hundred colours at once, making Luigi squint a bit with a few mumbles. Two messages were on the screen, separated from the dark background, which was of Mario looking stupid in a suit. The time ran bold across the top; 2:15 PM

Peach Toadstool, 1:32 PM.
"I'm coming soon-ish!"
Peach Toadstool, 2:15 PM
"10 minutes away!"

Luigi sighed at this, placing down the phone back on the bedside table and pushing himself up to sit up with his legs hanging off the bed using his shaky arms. He was currently topless, having a few scars littering his skin and some plaid PJ pants. He stared for a moment in his wooden floor, which was barely visible because of the piles of clothes that were on them all. Luigi thought for a moment, staring into the darkness off the room, which was the only thing that calmed him after these long days. Did he really want to do this? Leave his warm, soothing bed all for this? No. No he did not. But, Peach wanted that.
He pushed himself off the bed with a few grumbles of annoyance as he kicked his way through his room to his door, slowly pulling it open as he scratched at his bare chest. He walked from his bedroom door into his blinding bathroom, which was all white, but becoming increasingly more dusty; except from his shower. He collected up a green toothbrush from a glass, squeezing on as much toothpaste as the brush could hold before quickly shoving it in his mouth without having the water or anything to wash it down. He brushed and brushed for a while, spitting out then brushing again until he smiled at himself weakly in the mirror. 

"Clean enough.."
He muttered as he made his way to the shower, turning on the cold water first and holding his hand under it for a while before deciding her wanted warm water. He waited for a bit for that to warm up, then clambered in. He scrubbed himself with some 'Apple Body Wash' for around 5 minutes, washed his hair for 3, and that was enough for Peach to be at the door.

Outside, Peach stood, wearing a white top with a pink jacket decorated with white strips. She knocked on the door with a gentle hand, taking out her earring in case Mario were to take them when they visited and so, she slipped them in her pocket. Her tight-fitting jeans sparkled in a way through the glass in the door. She tied her hair behind herself, looking to the ring doorbell Luigi had for his deliveries with a confused look. After a while, she heard the shower running and gave a mutter

"Luigi, come on now, hurry!" She urged, she had been ready from around 8:00 AM, and had just been sitting around her house for that time, and also took at least half an hour saying goodbye to her boyfriend. Luigi shook his head and looked around in his closet as he turned off the shower. He grabbed a black shirt and a checked jacket with some baggy jeans, the same colour as Peach's.

"Yeah, yeah, gotcha', Peachy.." Luigi's voice barely reached his own door, let alone the front door as she pulled on all his clothes. He gave a few angry mutters as he pulled on his shoes, his hair still wet as his stuck to his neck. He soon jammed his keys in the door, pulling it open and looking to Peach's unsurprised face "Ta-da."

Peach looked unimpressed to Luigi, her arms crossed over one another for a moment as she looked him up and down, going to pick on what he was wearing and how sloppy it looked before reaching forwards and running a hand through his wet hair that smelt like Apples. She frowned to him, clearly quite upset with what's going on with him.

"Seriously, Luigi?"Luigi just let this happen, let her constantly touch his hair and such, he wasn't happy this was happening; but he hadn't seen Peach in a few weeks, he hadn't touched or been touched by someone also in a couple of weeks and he missed Peach. Peach's hands trailed down from his hair, now her palm was under his chin and his fingers were squeezing his cheek one side and her thumb was squeezing the other as she looked over his eyes"Luigi, god.. What has happened?.."She shook her head, simply crouching a bit to adjust his jacket around his shoulder, then giving a sigh and shaking her head. Luigi had said a total of two words, which were barely even words, and he was already being judged. He put his hands in his pockets, giving a sarcastic smile to Peach.

"Glad to see you too, Peach."Peach shook her head to him, obviously very upset for how low he had fallen.. Then, she got out something and held it out the Luigi. It was a bouquet of beautiful flowers, but upon closer expectation - which was Luigi squinting - he found that they were fake. They were edible flowers that were meant to go out of fashion by now at least. He took the flowers in both his hands, feeling his arms shake a bit as he thought of who he had to give them to.. His brother, Mario, who had gone off his rocker and had attacked Bowser, Peach's boyfriend, a few years back. 4 years, to be exact. Peach must have noticed the trembling as they began to walk. because she put a hand on Luigi's shoulder, just for support

Mario's MindOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant