Otherworldly Devil (Genshin1)

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Not reccomend, Contains:
Sensitive topics about heaven and hell, About the phoenician goddess, Astaroth,
Changes are also made by the story and the character, Please do not be offended, I highly respect everyone's beliefs and gods or goddesses.





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-Cloud of Arena.-

Narrator P.O.V

Everything's quite a surprise isn't it?
It's such a bad feeling of regret and envy with a twist of anger.

The fire spread out too much, No wonder why hell's been different today.

Seems like those self-proclaimed gods finally gone mad, Plus Lucifer's been a pain in the ass.

A silhouette of a tall woman was seen, She was shot by an arrow it seems.

She would not appreciate being shot by some basic arrow, She would've love it if
it was from cupid's bow.

The woman was named "Astaroth"
She was a Goddess, But truly at heart, She's a devil.

A goddess supposed to serve the heavenly order but chose her own downfall instead.

She was chained up in a tall cloud, Many gods looked up at her tall figure, She has long white hair that matches the colour of a marshmallow with pink eyes that matches those sakura trees.

What was she doing chained up you ask?
She was being executed for betraying the heavenly principles.

Astaroth was also quite a pain in the ass you see? She had a spilt personality.

Half of her was a kind beautiful loving goddess who brings peace and is loyal to the heavens.

But her other side? A traitor, If there was such a person with such arrogance and untrust it would only be Astaroth.

As she dropped down in the soft clouds, Blood was everywhere, Oh such a pitful death, But deserving.

Her lifeless pink eyes looked down on the gods below, She could see them celebrating her death.

Well good for them she thought, They've finally get rid of the traitor that's been pulling them down, Making their plans disrupted earning victory over hell.

She tried to speak but every part of her body hurts, Now she knows how they felt.

She looked up and heard someone approaching her side.

As she looked up she was terrified, Trembling at the man beside her, Her pupils shrank and she was shaking at the sight of his presence.

"I as the supreme ruler of the heavens, Declare that this quisling shall be banished from heaven AND hell, They shall be sent to another world and shall never return!"

Cheers erupted from the crowd of gods, They were definitely happy because of the punishment that was given to her.

Honestly she thought she would be sent to hell only but no, She was being banished from both sides! And even being sent to an unfamiliar world!

She is definitely fucked up.

Why does being banished from heaven and hell and even something as simple as being sent to another world the worst and disgraceful punishment?

Honestly in terms of devils angels and gods there's only two options:
Heaven or Hell.

Now getting banished from both is very disgraceful, Imagine this:
You have nowhere to go except other worlds or earth.

You cannot go back to the Heavenly Principles neither the Devil Progenitor, You have no choice.

The tall man stood infront of the tall woman, With a disgusted look he raised his hands and recited,

"Opened by the gods."

The air around both of them went crazy, Especially in her back.

She looked back to see a big black portal.
Many people below were cheering, They were happy to watch someone disgraceful be banished.

"Now quisling, What are your final words!?"

The arrogant ruler shouted.

She looked back to the gods below, She turned around and said,

"I may not have won this time, But next time I'll definitely kill you all!"

She shouted with such volume that every god in the realm can hear, They all burst in laughter.

what can this fragile almost-dead goddess do? That's what they all thought.

Astaroth raised her hand and recited,


Time stopped for the other gods eyes, Their pupils slowly shrank as they saw red splashing everywhere.

Their mouth opened in shock as they saw their supreme ruler fall down, Having a hole on his chest.

Chaos erupted from the realm, Everyone was running away as fast as they can, Some were staying and rushing to aid their supreme lord.

Noisy maniacal laughter can be heard, A silhouette of a tall woman facing backwards was the only thing you can see as a threat.

The supreme leader dropped down, Barely alive.

"I've done my part Lucifer, Now it's your turn to face your own problem."

She ran as fast as she can and jumped into the portal, Astaroth was full of pride right now.

She thought she looked cool doing that, Well it looks more idiotic honestly, Now she doesn't know which world she will go but she will continue living as the heavens devil.

When Astaroth was young, She really was adored by almost every god.

She was talented, Beautiful, And pretty much the dream goddess to rule the heaven principles.

But she took intrest in beings such as lucifer, And that was the downfall of her innocence.

[Otherworldly Devil]
Chapter 0: The chaos of the heavens.

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