Otherworldly Devil (Genshin2)

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Caution: nothing 4 now




insert a dark empty room gif


Astaroth POV

Now honestly the life of a goddess isn't great, Especially when jumping off a portal to another dimension.

Well I'm stuck floating in this floating thing which is weird, Though it's quite peaceful.

I'm glad i got banished, Being a goddess means more responsibilities anyways, Also lucifer had a tempting deal soo...

Anyways am i just gonna be stuck here forever floating....?

"No, Trust me you wont..."
A deep voice said.

"Wait what the fuck! Who are you!?"
I immediately looked for the owner of the voice, Man what the fuck? Is this some magic fantasy thing?

"You stupid idiot, I'll just wake you up now, Remember to protect some blonde ass girl named Lumine."
The voice uninterested.

"Wait what the fuck!? I was asleep this whole time? AND WHO THE HELL IS THIS LUMINE GIRL!!??"

I said shouting loud enough to shake the whole dimension, I mean who can blame me!? Why am i supposed to protect some bland girl!?

"Ugh why was i like this..? Anyways she'll mean alot to you in the future, For now wake up you bitch."



Eyes shot up, Bright colours was seen everywhere.

Astaroth was seen with her usual devil outfit, Well i don't know how she changed her clothes... Probably the gods changed it.

She was wearing a pair of formal brown shoes with a long dark-blue suit and pants matching the dark night sky.

Her soft white hair was tied up in the back with some loose strands in the front.

Two individuals could be seen infront of her, One was a short blonde girl with her sword out, Having a defensive stance.

The other girl was a white haired...Floating? Child.

Astaroth POV

Damn it! My head hurts, My vision's all blurry, well i can see two people...Ugh i hate this!!

"You, Who are you!?"
The blonde girl infront of me shouted, She looked cute...Wait- Cute!?

It's not time to do the deeds of the devil right now! Firstly i need to explain to them, Maybe they can help me.

"Uh..My name is... Astaroth."
I completely fucked it up! Also where the heck is my other persona? Did she die or something..

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