My Family is not the same as yours.

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"How long till we get there ?" " not too long just be patient." Date said smiling while looking straight today it felt like a good day for him besides being kicked on his precious sword he felt like the gods where with him unlike _(n)_ who had the opposite she felt like the demons where after her .

They stopped quickly. Well because of date as _(n)_ looked at him she noticed his change on face expression and body posture " Masamune are you alright ..?"" Shut up." He quickly added and began to glare while looking straight . Taken back a bit she followed his gaze to meet two bright blue eyes staring back at them .

"Big brother .!" The boy smiled happily. He was like a clone identical to Masamune except he had his right eye _(n)_ though to her self . " kojiro. Why are you here ." Date stated angrily _(n)_ blinked twice and looked at Masamune seeing his angered/ annoyed expression " don't be mean Bon-Bon chan ! Mom and I came to visit you ~" kojiro said happily with a smirk while looking at _(n)_ making the girl feel a bit uncomfortable " the hags here too...and stop calling me that my name is Masamune !" Now Masmune was way off his happy guy attitude . " I'll take you home _(n)_." Date states fast and began to walk dragging the girl harshly .

Stumbling a bit _(n)_ looked back and blushed a bit seeing the cuteness that was kojiro he was smiling cutely while waving good bye. She then turned to date and when she was about to ask " it's a complicated problem and I don't want you to get in it .okay." Date states while looking straight I hope kojuro hasn't said anything to that bitch. date slowly began to glare not knowing he was clutching _(n)_ arm making her twitch in pain . " hey hey hey!!" _(n)_ said slapping his hand off her arm while beginning to rub it " what ?" He looked back at her and blinked a bit seeing "...sorry..." He slowly scratched the back of his head " Masamune we have been friends for how long .?" She said looking at him ".....10 years...." He stated blinking " why..?" " if we have this friendship don't you think you should at least tell me what's up? I know you and your mom and brother don't get along although I haven't met them personally ....But I'm here for you dude !" _(n)_ said getting his sleeve "......." Date could only look to the side with a grim expression and put his right hand in his patched eye "...some things aren't meant to be said ...even if you know each other for a long time...."that infuriated her . Here she was doing this for him like always and yet he never told her how he actually felt throw out the years "........"

Silence was the only thing around them while they both stayed on the same spot.

"How would you feel...knowing your own mother was disgusted of you by one little flaw..." Date said while looking down holding his patched eye still. This made her look at him fast "hu.." " my mother loved me. Like any other mother would love their child. But for her perfectionism was at its first. Till I lost my eye. " date then looked down at the girl " she would yell at me for talking to my little brother saying I would make him ugly like myself. She would ignore me . She even tried to throw me out and began to spoil kojiro. " the story began to break _(n)_ heart slowly ." That's why I hate them both. Kojiro soon began to treat me the same . And I don't want them to do that to you . Your the closest thing I have to what girls say BFF's.... Of course theirs kojuro ..but his like my father." He then smirk " come on I'll take you home." He began to walk dragging the girl .

_(n)_ was torn. His family and life was so different then hers of course she has the Emo phase ones but other then that her parents have never tried to throw her out specially her mom. This made the fire in her burn more she no longer admire date she now saw him like a roll model he went through all of that and still kept that silly smirk all this years along with his cocky -funny attitude .

"I really love you " she said in a low voice not knowing "hu" date turned blinking "hu ?" She looked up at him blinking "
Both kept walking in silence one blushing darkly while the other face palmed.

Gakuen Basara ( Date Masamune x Hafu Reader)Where stories live. Discover now