A father knows best

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After the big disruption that happened the past day _(n)_ had to be on a close watch just before date kicked out kojiro he slipped a note on _(n)_ hand. She was now fearing for the worst.
Please be aware I am not trying to hurt my big brother. look out for him my mother isn't a lady to be taken down fast. I assure you .
Kojiro Date.
Even in school she kept worrying but tries not to show it. Date on the other hand kept his carefree attitude she wanted to tell him but her weakness prevented her she didn't want him to be on stress more than he already was with all this happening along with his crazed mother on the loose.
" Amaya-senpai you been really quiet today" tsuruhime said worried " what? Nah... I'm just thinking ..." _(n)_ said smiling making her friends worried " come on spit it out." Kasuga said seriously " oichi and friends are worried about you Amaya-San ." Oichi stated looking at her. The breeze blew inside the class room while _(n)_ sigh and looked at them "I've been having a bit of problems...." Was the only thing she said although they still kept on looking at her "......" We need to ask date they all thought while eyeing the laughing boy a cross the classroom.

While school ended date calmly walked to pick up _(n)_ but soon got stopped/ cornered by three girls " what the " he said in English " what's all this about ...?" " tell us what's wrong with Amaya-senpai!" Tsuruhime said angrily " yes she's been down on the dumps since the morning ." Kasuga stated crossing her arms " we want _(n)_-San to be happy again.!" Oichi said gloomily. Date blinked looking at them and thought for a moment to him self ...she's been down....?... They saw the confusion on his eye making them look at one an other " you don't know why..?" Kasuga asked " no...she seemed okay when we walked together..." Date said blinking now he was worried what was happening although he tried not to show it.
_(n)_ kept thinking of the message kojiro gave her she didn't know if she could believe him or not " hey." A deep voices said making her jump and look up "Masamune stop doing that." She said " sorry sorry~" he stated on his broken English and looked at her " you know your friends are worried about you " he said crossing his arms and began to walk._(n)_ blinked while fallowing him " what makes you say that..?" She asked " they tried to beat me up ." Date said smirking down at her . She sweat dropped "they thought I was making you unhappy ...." After that he looked straight while walking. _(n)_ now had a more depressive face "it's not that...and you never making me unhappy..." She said smiling a bit "then what is it ...?" He asked "well.....it's about..." She kept blushing trying to word out the problem. Soon date stopped walking and turned to her " come on now." He said looking down at her "it's about what you said to your mom and what Kojuro said to my parents idiot !" _(n)_ stated blushing .date soon joined in on the blushed face "ohhhh...that........." He laughed nervously "...." " no problem." Date said on his cute engrish making _(n)_ blink " what do you mean...?" " wana try and make it real~~" he said smirking while wiggling his eye brows then laughed seeing a blushing _(n)_ "ehh!?" "Hehe I'm just kidding !" He smirked " but it wouldn't be bad being a dad." He said while walking. _(n)_ blushed a bit more while her eye brow twitched ..it's as if the gods are telling me something....she thought to her self .

But boy did she know what fate had for both.

Date soon stopped seeing her house and turned to her " well I'll pick you up tomorrow alright ." He said smiling "hu oh right !" She said smiling. Date blinked and pay her head " never loose that smile alright ." He said smirking and walked but soon got stopped. _(n)_ had a tight grip on his fingers making him turn to her "hm...?" "Stay. Today." She said blushing "........" Date only smirked "depends what you old man says " he said laughing "shut up." _(n)_ said blushing .

By the end of the day her parents agreed as always they enjoyed one an other that was the first time date ever experience having a mother and a father together he felt really happy along with have _(n)_ next to him.

When night time fell the house went quiet and foot steps could be hear quietly walking towards the back garden but stopped fast .

" seems you can't sleep." A mans voice said while sipping a small cup of saki. Date blinked seeing seiji up so late specially since he had work tomorrow " sit. Let's have a talk you and I." He turned to date smiling while his long hair made him look for feminine " yes. Thank you." date quickly said bowing then proceed to walk a bit more while crossing his legs sitting next to the young looking man " you know I've been noticing something ." Seiji began making date turn to him " may I ask what that might be ..?" Date said quietly " my daughter...she shot pregnant is she .." The wise man said looking at date smiling. This surprised him "how did you...." " the evidence is on the bathroom." He said smiling while drinking his saki "I'm sorry I don't recall...." Date said confused " my wife isn't on her cycle..." He said sweat dropping that made date blush "ohh.....that....." He forgot how the woman body worked . Seiji kept his smile " but. I'll continue playing this game with everyone else if you make me one promise Masamune ." Seiji said while looking at the moon calmly " anything ." Date said smiling admiring how calm this man was " I want you to never hurt her. She's the only child I have. I'm sure... You might understand what I mean." seiji then looked at him. Date could only nod slowly remembering his father last word ' never fail and keep going further. Happiness await on the future' " a father always knows what's best ." Date said smiling " that's how I want to be one day." He then said looking up at the moon. Seiji blinked and smile looking at it also but soon heard one of his cats hissing and a dog barking . A shadow covered his eye date also heard and turned seeing .

" ISHIDA !!!!!!GET THAT FILTHY CREATURE OFF MY GARDEN!!!" Seiji yelled throwing the saki bottle to the Ishida residence making a tall handsome platinum hair man walk out " WELL KEEP YOUR STUPID CAT OFF MY TREES YAH TRANNY!!" The man yelled back .

Date blinked sweat dropping while watching the once calm collected and wise man turn in to a high school girl fighting for her boyfriend along with mitsunaris father ." Well I see where their traits come from " he said to himself and laughed lowly smiling and looked up the moon thinking to himself ..A father always knows what's best....

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