Tatum's Sleepover

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Tatum had given me a ride to the police station, and we both arrived. Dewey told us that he would escort us home, and we exited through the alley beside the station. I could hear many voices from the front of the station, until one voice grew a bit louder.

"Sidney!" The news reporter, Gale Weathers, appeared from nowhere, accompanied by her cameraman. I raised an eyebrow at Gale, remembering Billy talking about her once. Apparantely she had a hunch that Cotton Weary didn't kill Maureen, which led Billy to have a small panic attack.

"Some night. What happened, are you alright?" Gale asked, holding the microphone out for Sidney to respond.

"She's not answering any questions, alright? Just leave us alone." Tatum calmly responded, gently pushing the microphone away.

"No, no. It's OK Tatum, she's just doing her job. Isn't that right Gale?" Sidney responded. By now, some papparazi had made their way to the crowd, taking photos of the interaction.

Gale seemed stunned by Sidney's cooperation. Probably because Gale had been a bitch to Sidney and her family ever since Maureen's murder. "Yes, thats right." She smiled.

"Sid-" I began, holding her hand as they continued on.

"So, hows the book?" Sidney asked.

"Well, it'll be out later this year." Gale replied, as I felt my anger climaxing by Gale's assholery.

"Oh? I'll look for it." Sidney replied, turning around and walking away, be standing in front of Sidney prepared to also leave. Tatum standing off to the side.

"I'll send you a copy." Gale smiled stupidly, which obviously pissed me and Sidney off because Sidney whipped around quicker than a lightning bolt hitting Earth.

I toon a step towarda the reporter and dug my right fist into her face in a quick motion. The surprise knocked her back, getting caught in her cameramans arm, holding her face with a look of complete shock.

"Asshole." I let out a breath as I heard footsteps from behind me.

"Nice shot." Dewey remarked as he guided me and Sidney to his car. "Where'd you learn to punch like that?"


Some time had passed, and I had excused myself go to the toilet. I had called Stu and told him to call the landline in 5-10 minutes. I returned just in time to hear the girls beginning to talk about the event.

"God, I loved it Y/N. I'll send you a copy. BAM! Bitch went down!" She joked, sitting up while I sat on the edge of the bed. "I'll send you a copy. BAM!" She punched her stuffed rabbit. "Y/N! Super bitch!"

I watched as Dewey walked in from behind Tatum, and he tossed me an ice pack. "Thought you might want some ice for that right hook."

I caught it with ease and smiled at Dewey, putting it on my already purple knuckles. Maybe it would stop the swelling. I smiled at him and gave him my thanks, before he turned to Sidney.

"I'll be right next door. Try to get some sleep." The deputy still somehow lived with his Mum. I found it super surprising.

Tatum waved him off and Sid turned away. I got off her bed and changed to Tatum's as Sid began to get comfortable.

"Do you really think Billy did it?" Tatum asked the back of Sidney's head.

"Dude!" I whispered, slapping her playfully.

"He was there, Tate." Sidney replied after a bit.

"He was destined to have a flaw. I knew he was too perfect." Tatum added, before I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah well, now that haunting chapter is over and done with." I concluded, before Mrs Riley entered the room.

"Telephone honey." She announced.

"Who is it?" Tatum asked.

"For Sid."

"My Dad?" The brunette asked hopefully.

"I don't think so."

"Take a message." Tatum suggested.

"No. I'll get it."

As Sidney left the room, Mrs Riley looked over to me and the blonde. "How's she doing?" The only reply was our shoulder shrugging in sync.

The kind lady finally left, and I turned to Tatum. "It's so weird to think that two kids were murdered by Billy Loomis. We literally sat with him every day at school." I began. "And he's been a psycho all along."

Tatum opened her mouth to reply until a horrified "No!" came from Sidney down the hall. All it took was a glance between me and Tate to get off the bed and run over to Sidney.

Tatum stood beside Sid, concerned and asking her questions softly. I stood on her right and Mrs Riley stood behind her.

"Leave me alone!" Sidney cried before Mrs Tate went to go get Dewey.

"Who are you?" She asked.

I heard the low humming of the phone line being cut off, and Dewey came out of his room, gun in hand, only in a shirt and boxers. And to think we were only so long away from the final part of the plan. It filled me with euphoria to know Sidney Prescott would be dead soon enough.

POV: You're Ghostface | Scream (1996)Where stories live. Discover now