The Kingdom I Choose to Burn

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Joyce's Pov

The carriage ride was quiet. It was only me and my servant, Shinso. Peeking out behind the curtains to look out at the vast lands of the country. The sun was shining out which had blinded me as I closed the curtains. Rubbing my eyes as they readjusted to dark dim lighting within the carriage.

"Bright isn't it, Princess Joyce." Shinso chuckled as his tired eyes looked at me.

" you think I am equipped to do this?" I asked him, doubtful that I could fulfill what my father had asked of me.

"Of course Princess. I am with you, so you are not alone in accomplishing this mission." He gave me a smile as he reached out and grasped my hand. I returned the smile thankful for his encouragement.

"Thank you Shinso. What do you think we should expect from this Kingdom?" I asked. My studies weren't extensive when it came to other countries other than their military prowess. I was worried about what I was about to encounter. My Caretaker informed me that I am to be guarded in this new country. It made me confused and worried that I didn't have enough information about it, even with my father's encouragement that I had nothing to fear.

"Well obviously it's going to be bright." Shinso laughed. "I would suspect that this kingdom might be more relaxed than our homeland. They would be more susceptible to manipulation and ruling. So our mission should be fairly easy."

"I see. However, I can't help but worry about the King. My father informed me about his power. I am nowhere near his level of magic, I fear." I looked down.

"Joyce...please have faith in yourself. Do it for your sister." At the mention of my sister I looked back up at my only friend. He had been with me since I had turned six years old.

"Right...I don't want anyone else to be killed because of me." I nodded my head as I recalled my sister's death. Only being able to get to know her over two years, before she was murdered for being a traitor to the kingdom. During that time, she had tried to explain to me her reasons why she did what she did. But none of it made sense. I couldn't see how my father the King was a tyrant. He ruled over our lands with a just and firm fist. But she had shown me other things that had turned my head into a confused muddle mess that had gotten me in serious trouble since. Some days I didn't know what was right or wrong, which led to my sister's death. I was the only true heir left to the throne, besides my adopted brother.

"It wasn't your fault Joyce. She was bound to die for her crimes against the Kingdom." Shinso has been arguing with me over this since my sister's death. I had taken the blame for her death onto my hands. What he didn't understand was that my father was going to have mercy on my older sister. To allow her to live the rest of her life as a prisoner, but I had made a mistake. A mistake that caused my sister to be put to death by the captain of the guard. I remember that day all so well. It was ingrained in my mind, I haven't been able to sleep soundly since.

My thoughts were shaken when the carriage came to an abrupt stop. Shinso glanced over at me and nodded his head as he slipped out of the carriage. Moving over to his side, I peeked out behind the curtain to see him talking with one of our guards. The black armor was a symbol of our kingdom. We were far away from our land, as we have been journeying all day from the ports. A land across the seas. I couldn't hear what was being said when I saw Shinso look back at me. Yet when he had turned his back to me, horror gripped as I watched the guard pull out his sword.

"SHINSO!" I shouted as I yanked the carriage door open only to realize that it was locked shut. An encasing spell had been put on the carriage. I looked with tear filled eyes as the guard had struck Shinso down. I couldn't do anything as I cried out to him, my only friend. Pulling on the door trying to get out to help him. I couldn't do anything. I was hopeless.

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