Oh gods... He's here in My Home

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Blaise's pov

"Right! I'm sorry for interrupting your business. I hope to talk more with you." Joyce said with a curt bow, as she got up from our talk.

"Don't bother with that shitty formality. Just get going befo-"

"Princess Joyce!" A shout was heard at the door and there standing were the royal princes and their knights. Prince Shoto and Iida looked rather relieved to see Joyce, but that damn prince Touya and my brother were in complete shock as they looked at me. No this is exactly what I did not want to happen! There was a moment of pure silence, even among the customers who were watching the scene in amusement. It wasn't until the blue haired night spoke had rushed over to Joyce that broke the silence.

"Princess Joyce! I would advise you to not run off on your own. You cause a great deal of panic when you could not be found. And it is not appropriate to go looking for gypsies." His eyes were stern. I glare at the knight. Rude, I am civil and don't steal so shut your trap Mr. Holier than thou.

"My apologies for causing distress, but please do take note....I can handle myself. I simply wanted to ask MISS Blaise a few questions. I saw the opportunity and went for it." Joyce stresses the 'miss' part. Shinso was covering his chuckle with a cough as I held a smirk over my lips, but it faded as I refocused on the older prince and his knight.

"I am terribly sorry for this disturbance. We shall leave immediately." She bowed once more and dragged Shinso towards the door.

"Don't let the boot hit you on the way out..." I hissed, hoping that the two older men would leave as well. But a lass they did not. I went back over to the counter trying my best to ignore my brother and this bothersome prince.

"What did Princess Joyce talk to you about?" Keigo walked over to me first. I was kinda glad the idiot prince was not talking at the moment but I did not like that he was here. I wanted him out, I did not want to deal with his royal pain in the arse.

"We talked about stuff, it's none of your business." I keep what we talked about to myself because one something was off she said she was looking for my mother but when she saw me she acted as if she had seen my mother before and not just from pictures. I was suspicious but I let it go for now, she was my aunt after all... weirdly enough, and I definitely did not need Mr. Propose to girls right away to know I actually am related to royalty. Keigo looked at me but didn't push me. Good. Wanting them to get the hint that I wanted them to leave I started cleaning off the counter. The customers went back to talking well, more like drunkenly whispering about Prince Touya. Like I care. Keigo didn't say anything as he glanced at the prince who seemed to have an eye problem. The roasted bacon bitch was continuously staring at me.

"So...um...you own this tavern?" He suddenly asked as he pretended to be interested in the chairs lining the counter.

"Don't you have better things to do? My Liege?" I sarcastically rolled my eyes as his cheeks seemed to flush a light pink. Are you kidding me? Turning to my brother who started to chuckle but was quick to recover. Glaring straight at him hoping he would get the hint. If not...I was going to start throwing things and I have great aim.

"Um, it's a nice place. Get good customers... Why would you want to keep this place?" he asked. That was it. Grabbing the nearest thing, which was a glass mug one of the heaviest mugs I have, and I chucked it so hard at the fucking roasted bacon bitch he barely had time to duck.

"BLAISE!" Keigo shouted as he pulled the prince behind him.

"Take a fucking hint and leave!" I shouted pointing to the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2023 ⏰

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