Chapter 7

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A/N: I don't actually have any buffer chapters for this for some reason so updates might be a bit sporadic but I'm still working on it, the overall story as well as the actual chapters, in between revising for my exams, job hunting etc. So have 5,000+ words of Tink/Regina and Roland/Regina bonding with some Robin, Snow and truth-bombs thrown in for good measure.

Robin had already found a suitable place to hide Regina's heart when he met her at her apple tree, and once it was safely hidden he patrolled the close vicinity with bow and arrows at the ready. Mainly his pacing was to make sure no one came close to the Queen's most prized possession, but part of it was also to stave off his uneasiness at her willingness to put herself in danger. If she was hurt in the fight there was no way anyone would know, since the stubborn woman probably hadn't told anyone apart from him, and she only told him because he asked. Plus he was certain any wind inflicted by Zelena would be serious, if not fatal, so even with his knowledge of the woods and good hearing he wasn't sure he'd hear her if she cried for help. Every so often he would circle back round to the tree and check her heart was safe. Every time it was, and every time he wondered if it would suddenly stop beating while he looked on. He didn't know how this magically beating heart thing worked exactly; did it stop beating if the owner died of other causes than fatal squeezing? Or did it keep beating for all eternity, for use in grotesque spells that didn't bear thinking about with the threat of flying monkeys lingering in every shadow?

Maybe half an hour passed before he heard footsteps going back to the castle. His hiding spot wasn't too far from the path, purposefully so he'd hear the Queen going back. Slipping down to the edge of the trees he held his flaming torch up to see Regina had passed him, so he called out quietly.

"Milady!" Regina jumped a mile as she turned to face him. The flame illuminated her face in a soft glow. "I apologise if I startled you."

"You did but I'm fine. Is it still here?"

"As safe as Roland is in the castle." Robin handed the bag to Regina, who proceeded to take the heart out and push it back into her chest. A pained look crossed her face as she faltered in her firm stance, and he resisted the urge to put a hand on her elbow and steady her. He'd already gone far past propriety earlier when he'd taken her hand without her permission, but the urge he'd felt to make sure she knew someone believed in her rose up again. "Are you all right?"

Regina paused before shaking her head uncertainly. "No, I'm not all right."

He immediately caught on. "Henry."

Regina nodded, lips pursing in a clear attempt not to cry. Robin tried to distract her by offering to accompany her back to the castle.

"How did the fight go?" he asked soon after they'd set off. She seemed fine physically but one could never know with magic.

"She wanted my heart, just like we guessed."

"Like you guessed. I don't deserve any of that credit, milady. But at least we know what she's after. Do you think she'll come back?"

"Probably. But I think I've bought us some time to figure out what her great plan for destroying me is."

"So you'll come to the meeting tomorrow? I probably shouldn't say this, but," Robin leaned in confidentially, "having to listen to Snow and Charming's incessant talk of hope does get rather grating after a while. I'm all for believing in it, but there is a limit."

"Tell me about it!" Regina exclaimed, stepping a little closer to him unconsciously. Robin noticed the difference but he wasn't sure she even knew she'd moved. "Always going on about fighting with those puny swords and talking to people instead of accepting that some people are too far gone..."

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