Chapter 18

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Mingi and Jongho had been digging for what seemed like hours, digging their hands raw. In that span of time to their horror what lies beneath the soil was something that they had expected but it didn't prepare them for the true horror of it. The skeletal remains of a child. The dirty and ripped fabric was still holding on.

"This is insane, this is fucking insane." While Jongho found himself panicking for the first time, Mingi just sat there silently, he hated this more than anyone. He hated that he was the one that the girl had attached herself to. The ghosts, curses and witches, old corpses. He didn't like any of it.

The little girl appeared out of thin air, she stood beside Jongho and simply stared at Mingi without saying a word. He didn't know what she wanted, what it was that she wanted from him and why of all people. He should have never left the house and walked the woods that night, maybe then she wouldn't have attached herself to him.

"Her bow, Jongho, look for a brown bow."


"The first time I saw her the night I brought you all to the park there was a brown bow on her body, her ghost isn't wearing one." Jongho hovered over the body and began to dig around until finally his hands landed on a light brown bow now covered in muck and dirt. As soon as Jongho took the bow into his hands the girl disappeared.

"We need to get to Hongjoong, we need to burn this

Hong Jong followed the black cat out into an open field. The cat sat upon a patch of dirt surrounded by a circle of grass and mushrooms. It was what the people there called a witches circle of a fairy town.

Hongjoong thanked the cat and gently patted its head, earning a meow before it leaped from the spot and stood at his side. Hongjoong rolled up his sleeves and immediately started digging; he knew it couldn't be buried that far since they were too young to have dug any deeper than a foot. As soon as his eyes spotted something silver poking from the dirt he began to dig more frantically.

"Hello old friends." He pulled a string from the dirt, attached to that string was a key and a silver medallion.

This was it they were going to end things once and for all, they had to, they needed to. And while it may have seemed easy for the others Seonghwa and the other two boys were about to find themselves having a rough time getting what it was they needed.

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