Chapter 19

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As the three entered the basement the door slammed shut and the lights flickered on. The ince dark room lit up all colorful and pretty.

"You've come back for mommy."

"Fuck, she's here."  Seonghwa pushed the two of them behind his back. San began to feel overwhelmed as he sensed her presence grow stronger and stronger. This wasn't just anger. She was fuming, she could sense the hunger and desperation in the air as they heard her footsteps grow closer, the sound of her fingertips grazing the wall could be heard as she got closer to them.

"Rip these walls apart, I don't care what you have to do to find that body." The door slammed open as Yeosang and San scattered.

"Oh and you brought....guest." She clicked her tongue as she caught sight of San and Yeosang moving away from Seonghwa. She stood eight feet tall, jet black hair and soulless black eyes, her face covered in burns and scars, her slender fingers resting on her face. She eyes him with a smirk decorating her lips.

"You're such a selfish boy, leaving me here all those years." She stepped closer and Seonghwa took the opening to run past and slip between her legs. She loved this, she loved a chase. Her menacing laugh could be heard throughout the hall as she followed behind them. She slams the door shut before locking it, trapping  both san and yeosang in the basement.

"SEONGHWA." They both immediately stopped searching out of worry for Seonghwa

"FIND THE FUCKING BODY." Was all he yelled as he ran upstairs to leas her away from them. The search became more frantic as they realized they no longer had any time to be as calm as they were, she was here, she had shown herself before them and no one knew what she was capable of. They hammered away frantically moving to every side of the room with nothing but destruction in mind. Yeosang dug his hand into the hole he had made in the wall just moments prior and let out a frustrated curse as his hands found nothing.

"YEOSANG I FEEL SOMETHING." At Sans words both him and Yeosang began to hammer at the place in the wall where his hands seemed to brush against something. A pile of bones spilled to the floor and they frantically searched them for any possible thing that could have had sentimental value to it.

"A necklace, Seonghwa said he was wearing a necklace." They searched the pile finding nothing forcing San to break an even bigger hole into the wall and dig around. They searched through the rubble until they found a brown string with what looked to be hand carved beads on the end.

"I really hope thus is fucking it." He scrambled to his feet and moved over to the door only to discover it was locked.


"Stand back." Yeosang pushed him aside and hammered at the door knob at least three times before it fell off and hit the floor with a loud clank.

"What the fuck do we do now?"

"We burn it."

While they hurried to rid of the necklace Yunho and Wooyoung were upstairs forcing themselves through one of the bedroom doors.

"Fuck this is bad." Yunho began to grow frustrated, they had tried kicking and forcing their ways through the rooms but the doors wouldn't budge.

"The kitchen, there's a glass door in the kitchen, we couldn't get through any of these but maybe we can break that one?"

"Wooyoung you're a genius."

San and Yeosang Ran from the basement into the kitchen, ignoring the sinister laughter and running footsteps they heard echoing throughout the house, they needed to trust Seonghwa, trust that he knew what he was doing.

"Come on come on." They began to play with the stove, it was open fire so it was sure to work, it needed to work. It took three tries at twisting the nozzle before the fire finally clicked to life and he immediately threw it onto the fire.

"Thank set me free." A childlike voice rang softly throughout the kitchen and Yeosang repeatedly tapped San on the shoulder, forcing him to pry his gaze away from the stovetop and look in the direction Yeosang had been. A young boy who looked no younger than six stood before then glowing a bright green.

" don't have much time." Seconds later there was a loud bang at the glass door beside them making them both jump. It was the others. It was then that Wooyoung and Yunho ran into the kitchen and their eyes met the others that stood outside.

"Stand back." Yunho yells , grabbing the first thing his eyes had landed on which was a beat up cast iron skillet he whacked at the glass door, watching as it shattered immediately and all of the glass fell to the floor.

"Wheres Seonghwa?" Hongjoong was the first to step in, his eyes frantically searching around for his friend.

"He's distracting her, we don't have much time did you get what we need?"

Mingi raised the bow and hongjoong raised the key and necklace. San immediately points over to the fire and Mingi threw in the bow followed by hongjoong throwing in the necklace.

The little girl appeared before Mingi glancing at all of them and giving a nod of thanks before she herself disappeared just like the little boy from before.

"What about the key?" Yeosang was more than sure the key was another thing that needed to be burned as well, but hongjoong was not allowing them to make the same mistake they had before.

"All of you go. Now. I'll get seonghwa out of here, there's gasoline in the back of my truck. Douse the entire place and when i say you drop that match you burn this bitch to the ground

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