How I started

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  In this prison, this prison for dangerous criminals, I never thought I would end up here, years ago, but here I am, awaiting my death sentence.

  So a clever reporter decided to give a book and an ink, not susprised, the guards won't lemme handle a pen or a pencil for that matter, they must have considered me that dangerous. So am left with an ink and a feather.

So where should i start my story from. Oh I know, I'll start from the beginning,
Who I am.
I was born June 10, 1989, from what I heard my mum was drunk the day she had me, so she drunkenly called me Bulletin.

Since then I became Bulletin. Awful name, I know right.  I was only months old when I was given to my mother's sister, my mother died shortly after that, never new my father
I grew up with my aunt, up to five years before she got married.

So the 36 year old man didn't  waste time to take advantage of a poor five year old girl, whom his wife care little about.
The first time he rapped me, wait, I wouldn't use the word 'rap' since I didn't resist, neither spoke a word or do any action to show resistance.

All I did was to lie mute and watch him do his thing, I remember that scene, that moment vividly till today. How I stayed, quiet, didn't say anything, didn't make a sound, I don't remember what happened after, but am sure he continued.

My aunt had her first child and I guess she say me as a burden. So the next thing I know,  I was in the orphanage.
I stayed there three years, I didn't know how I survived those years but I did, before I got recruited to be a nun. But I got kicked out of that one. Ask me why, cause I wasn't a virgin.

I didn't know what virgin mean then, so I thought I got kicked out then, because of my defaults.
I didn't want to go back to the orphanage, so I begged for another thing to be recruited to. With my tiny hands clasped together, I said..
       " Please misses, please, can't I do something else, please, I don't want to go back. Please".

        " Get out of here! And go get into the van you little brat, at your age, you are not a virgin, if you beg me one more time I'll go bring out a whip and beat you up" the nun I begged said.
    I kept on begging, I had no choice but to beg. And like play, like play the woman brought out a whip and whipped me with it.

    I still kept begging, and this time she dragged me by my hair to the bus. I clearly remember a nun slightly begging her to stop the beating, the nun called her Mrs onie.

   At last I got into the bus with a lots of beating.
  The next day at the orphanage, a woman come to adopt me. I remembered her, she was there the previous day as a visitor, when I was getting beaten.

    " This woman's here to adopt you bulletin"   a woman said, introducing me to the woman, am to be adopted to.
   I had no choice but to say yes. This woman must have saw my suffering and she came here to help me I thought to myself then.

  She took me to her home, fancy, better than all the houses have seen then.
   The first week of staying there was enjoyment. Lots of play, tv,  food, playground.

  Then the following week was business
  I followed her to her work place, a stripper club, she owned, where am to be trained to be a future stripper.

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