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Of course as a stripper, I had to start of somewhere, so I started with serving drinks, cleaning off after the party has ended.

Miss Boss ensured me if I do my job well, I can get the good things of life, like good foods, great accommodation. "It's like working to get a salary" she said, oh did I forget to mention, she made me call her Miss babe, that is, the woman who adopted me.

Then I started going to school, and the school system worked on me, I became the bullied. I don't just know why I always get bullied, it's like am a bully magnet, I think. And then the bullying increased, from simple
  "Hey nerd"
Knocking me down,
Humiliating me in front of students,
to severe punches, dumping me in a trash bin.

I guess the bullying became worst since no one ever showed up to the school to complain of me getting bullied.

I know what your are thinking
'you are a girl, girls don't get bullied, even if they do it's not that bad .'

Well in my case, I wasn't admitted into the girl's gang, as my dresses were way below standard, and I have one of the lowest grade as I didn't take my education serious at all, I didn't  need to, after all am going to be a stripper. so I kissed the girl gang goodbye.

Secondly, I hardly a say a word to defend myself , let alone raise a hand in defence.
On top of that, no one has ever defended me, only aunty Graceland, who latered reported to Miss babe, known to be my guardian in school, of an immediate solution to the bullying.

And the only thing Miss  babe could think of was dropping me out of school, and she did dropped me out of school.But before then, I have already been through a lot.

I remembered the time that I didn't wear pants to school. I had lots of overused dirty underwears left unwashed.  I decided not to wear any that day since it was the last day  of school and with my naive mind , I wore a shirt.

Feeling excited that day, I didn't know when I bluntered out to a girl I thought was my friend about me not wearing under wears. I wasn't suppose to tell her that but I saw no harm in telling her, so I let it go.

During break that day. I was dragged into the boys restroom by three boys.

I don't need to think to know who those boys were, they were the top bullies
" Spread your legs" one of them said, his name is Matthew lungs and the other boys were seline Stout, Jonathan Hobbs.

I remembered there names vividly,the boys who tried their first sexual activities with me, that awful pain I felt that day.

That day, I got tired of it all, I could barely work home and after getting home and I released it all, all the tears I have tried to hold for so long, I couldn't take it anymore.

I waited for Miss babe to come home. Few hours later she did. Hearing her voice from downstairs, I headed down to tell  her what happened to me.

I remembered narrating the events to her, shedding  tears at the same time, about the bullies and how it will get worst after what happened.

I remembered her finishing her meal before telling me that she did me a huge favor by adopting me. That I should figure out my issues on my own and about the rapping stuff. She said that I should have asked them for cash, and do it willingly, to avoid that much pain. " Grow up, and defend yourself" was the last thing she said. Before heading upstairs.

I remembered crying after that, I needed someone to console me, help me. The worst part then was that I didn't know what I was going through wasn't normal, that it was awful for a child.

I thought it was just a normal thing that everyone goes through. So I cleaned my tears, sucked it up and continue with schooling.


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