Loving can hurt..

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Warning: Mature language

You would think by now with all the hardships and bullying, Marinette should be used to it by now but the hurtful truth is she wasn't.

With ladybug it was easy to build walls around herself, she had a mask to hide behind and a duty of care to Paris. Marinette sadly doesn't get that privilege all her weaknesses are on show for everyone to see.

She's always dreamed of finding her soulmate ever since she was a little girl. But now she's not sure if it's a blessing or curse. A blessing in the sense that she's got the guy, who she has a humongous crush on, that sometimes feels like it's attacking all her senses all at once.

She knew she felt something when he apologised very sincerely, with the most genuine and respectful apology. Then once he handed that umbrella she just knew, she was a goner.

Staring into his clear forest green eyes brimmed with emotions and sincerity. How could she not fall in love with him? It was so easy and she doesn't regret it one bit. She just wishes her mouth and body would get into gear, to stop feeling the overwhelming amount of pressure and anxiety.

The curse being Lila found out, which hurt Marinette more than anything. She wanted to keep this quiet and build a friendship with Adrien and really get to know him. Marinette seeing this mark not only made her jump around in joy as it confirmed to herself why she felt this way, this pull towards him.

But also reminded her what an amazing friend he was, and how much more she wanted to know him.

Let's just say in the coming weeks they got on like a house on fire. Her stutter was there but less prominent. Especially when she found out how dorky he actually is. He secretly reminds her of her chaton, which Marinette would deny but it also made her fall deeper in love with the boy who emanates sunshine itself.

Lila caught on quick how close Adrien and Marinette, where becoming and that pissed her off to no extent. Especially since the whole class was all for this blossoming friendship.

She knew Marinette was up to something but what? Adrien didn't see her more than a lousy friend. Lila also couldn't deny she also felt the spark and shift between Adrien and Marinette.

That was when Lila found the answer to her questions. Marinette was Adrien's soulmate as she could see the writing on her arm clear as day.

'You're our everyday ladybug.' Lila had heard Adrien call Marinette this on multiple occasions. No wonder she's spending so much time with him, she wants his writing to show up next.

Adrien was Lila and Lilas alone, he was a ploy to get her. Where she wants to be or so Lila thinks. Even though they say stereotypically blondes are dumb this one wasn't.

He also wasn't scared to make a bargain with the devil, and also call her out on her bullshit. Especially after the Natalie and gorilla incident.

So the best way to hurt Marinette was to do it how she knew best. Sly and sneakily, she threatened her like she did in the bathroom and forcefully akumatized herself into Chameleon.

Not that anyone knew that; if things work out well Marinette will back off like the way she wants her too.

Let's just say Lila didn't hold back she was brutal. That's why currently Marinette is crying in her bedroom with Tikki on guard. For any butterflies that might come and take advantage of her feelings. Marinette's face housing a black eye and a busted lip. Thankfully she was able to tell her parents that, she smashed her face off the bathroom floor, they took the excuse easily.

Adrien had messaged her a few times asking if she was ok. Asking her if she's heard about what Lila has been saying about her.

The rest of class believe Lila instantly Alya is a bit wearing and unsure spamming Marinettes phone about her whereabouts. Why Lila is spreading the fact she's only being friendly with Adrien, to get closer to his dad and the fashion scene?

That made Marinettes heart shatter...

She didn't care what everyone else had thought of her. They never had much faith in her anyways especially if they were willing to believe Lila so easily. The fact Adrien might possibly think that she's only using him.

That he's only worth anything because of what his dad is in the fashion industry. That he doesn't know that he actually means the world to her; the fact he's a famous teen heartthrob doesn't bother her in the slightest.

He also doesn't know just how kind and genuine he is and that's what made her fall in love with him. He was the first one to show utter kindness when in reality she didn't deserve it all. She just made the assumption he was exactly like Chloe.

Adrien wasn't though that's what made him different. If anything she felt bad for him, he's had to cope with the fact he's lost his mother that she just upped and disappeared from his life. Especially at an age he needs her most...

He's also had to grieve quietly because his father just didn't want to acknowledge that it effects Adrien too. When Adrien told Marinette that her heart went out to him.

Not out of sympathy but simply because even though, his family is wealthy it's not wealthy in the form of love. Especially when that all he wanted, was to be loved by someone.

Marinette was planning on telling him this week. She was going to tell him how she felt and leave him with the cards on what he wanted.

She wanted him to make that choice, he never gets much say in his life. If he didn't want a soulmate and someone to choose instead, she would let him have that and support him with that decision.

Because that's what he deserves, him being her friend and being in her life is more important than any soulmate bond that they share.

Nor would she risk it for her own selfishness...

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