Stress & kisses

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* Marinette's POV*

My heart feels like it's hammering out of my chest, as I turn to show Adrien my soulmate mark.

I feel his long fingers caress the mark carefully, causing my whole body to shudder at the feather light touch.

"I said that... On hero's day." He utters softly, as if his brain is trying to come to term with it.

"Y-yes you did!" As I feel a smile spread on my lips. I turn my body to face him again, I see that his face has a smile but is it a happy smile? Or is it a how do I break it to her smile.

I gulp down the negative thoughts in my head.

"I-I know that, this might feel s-sudden and I-I wanted to tell you. A-as soon a-as I f-found out." I take a deep breathe to keep my stutter under control. "B-But it made realise that I didn't really know you, other than surface level, and I really wanted to know more about you on a deeper level. I already somewhat had a crush on you before we started being close but I thought I would be-". Then suddenly I felt his lips on mine, his soft peach lips that I have dreamed of kissing to many times.

I froze in shock as I wasn't expecting this. I felt him about to pull away, which kicks my brain into gear.

I held his face with my hand, as I melt into the kiss.

Our lip's moving in sync, which makes my lips tingle.

My whole body feels as if it's on fire as his hands make way, to my waist drawing me in closer.

I pull away from the kiss, my body still tingling from the effect of the kiss. "Did you feel that?" Adrien looks at me fondly, which automatically makes my cheeks heat up in embarrassment.

I just nod shyly. "I'm sorry I kissed you suddenly, it wasn't how I pictured our first kiss to go." He rubs his neck nervously, a habit I have noticed he does when anxious or embarrassed. "I-it's fine, I liked it anyway." I let out a small smile, as just even thinking about the kiss gave me butterflies.

"I am glad that you liked it." He says with a soft smile. I take a deep breathe, that I was unknowingly holding in.

"I'm glad your my soulmate Marinette." Adrien breaks my train of thought with his breathy tone.

My face feels on fire. "R-really?" I question, he nods as he holds me tighter against him. "Lila saw my mark it's why she gave me this." I sit up and point at my forming black eye and swollen lip.

I feel Adrien's thumb trace the bottom of my lip carefully, as his eyes assess the damage. "I didn't hurt you did I?" He asks nervously referring to the kiss.

As my face does look and feel sore.

"No, it didn't if anything it made me feel better." I say softly as I look into his soft green eyes.

"I'm so sorry Lila did this to you Marinette, and I was so wrong about the advice I gave you. She ended up hurting you and I couldn't see it and I'm so sorry for that." Adrien apologise profusely, as I can see the disappointment settling into his features.

"It's fine Adrien." I softly smile, which he shakes his head at. "It's not fine Marinette, she's hurt you not just verbally but physically. she's also currently ruining your reputation as we speak." His eyebrows furrowed in anger.

I kiss his cheek in attempt to calm him down. "I know it's not fine but I have been collecting evidence against Lila. I didn't know if I was ever going to use it as,I needed someone on my side."

"I know Alya doesn't believe me so I was saving it for when I needed it." I say softly in attempt to calm down Adrien's worries.

Adrien's eyes match mine as he lightly pulls me in for a kiss. Our lips touch softly and more gently than the previous kiss. No sense of neediness or rush, I can feel my heart beating faster, as our lips mesh softly against each other.

He lets go of the kiss lightly, his teeth slightly pulling my bottom lip sensually. "I would have been on your side Marinette, all the way." His voice full of reassurance and his genuine smile that makes me fall back in love again.

"Thank you Adrien.." I say as I tuck my head into his neck to find the comfort in our bond.

"Alya is on our side as well Marinette, I spoke to her this morning and she figured she was talking shit again." Adrien says softly, as he rubs circles onto my back to calm our anxieties about Lila.

I take a deep breathe as I indulge in Adrien's touch as it calms my inner core. "I'm glad she saw through her." I kiss Adrien's jaw softly, showing my affection.

All of a sudden we hear Adrien phone ringing.

Which both of us jump away in suprise. "Who is it?" I ask as I can't see Adrien's phone.

"I have no idea." He shrugs pulling out his phone and seeing the caller ID.

"It's Alya." He states as I shuffle closer, he answers the phone call and sets it on loud speaker.

"Adrien OH.. MY.. GOD!" Alya exclaims in fury that vibrates through the phone speaker.

"You told me she was bad but I didn't realise how bad! I don't even know how, she's managed to get away with it all too. There are sooo many inconsistencies in her stories that reading them, just sounds heavily fake. I just feel bad for Marinette she saw right through her, and tried to warn everyone and we all told her she was crazy. Like helloooo if anyone who was nuts it was Lila. With her pathological liar tendencies.."

Alya rants to Adrien in a fast pace tone, I turn my head to Adrien. Who, bless his heart, looks very confused by Alya's rambling to even decipher that. "Did you get any of that?" Adrien looks at me sheepishly.

"Get any of what?" Alya questions Adrien mid rant. "Don't worry I got it, I'm used to how she rambled." I finally speak up to clear up the confusion on Alya's part.

"Marinette! I'm sooo super sorry, that I never believed you about Lila!" Alya apologises through the phone profusely.

"Don't you worry girl, I have a plan and I'm so giving her a piece of my mind." Determination radiates in Alya's voice.

Which I should know better since, it has something to do with revenge.

Me and Adrien let out a giggle and smile at each other. His smile giving me butterflies which makes my heart, flutter as well.

"We will be able to help with revenge Alya, Lila has done to much this time to just turn a blind eye to. But most importantly she hurt the girl I love." Adrien's love confession made the world stand still in my point of view.

"Y-you love me?" I ask in shock as I see Adrien's cheek change colour into a light pink. He rubs his neck nervously.

"Heheh, did I say that?" As he smiled shyly at me. Which I just nod at him shyly also.

"Of course you did Adrien! But that's not what's important here." Alya's voice booms in through the phone, taking us out of our honeymoon trance.

"I have evidence that I have been collecting. I have recordings from when she's threatened me in the bathroom." I state shyly, as I haven't told anyone about her threatening me in the bathroom.

Almost simultaneously "SHE DID WHAT?" Alya and Adrien scream in surprise.

"It's no big deal guys I dealt with it fine." I shrug as if it's no big deal.

"It is a big deal Marinette that's bullying and harassment. I should have never gave you that advice." Adrien says solemnly.

"She would have threatened me either way Adrien, she's obsessed with getting closer to you." I factually state.

"She's right Adrien she would have done it wither you intervened or not." Alya was practically spitting facts out at this point.

"I suppose but it shows we need a strong plan so she can't back peddle at all." Adrien shakes his head pulling at his hair.

"Don't worry guys, I have enough evidence to not let that conniving bitch win. So don't stress out and just make out yeah?" Alya says the last part in a very teasing manner.

Which leaves me and Adrien with intense blushes on our cheeks...

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