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The week went by far too fast. You and Barb spent that time making preparations, you had no idea what was in your trunk back at Hogwarts but over the summer you realized that you were in desperate need of some new clothes. Thankful for the money you made while working over the summer you were able to buy some muggle clothing and necessities that you couldn't live without, the things you could not find in Hogsmeade or Diagon Alley.

Your goodbyes with Barb were tearful, "I will be sure to owl you, and you are welcome back here next summer if you wish." You hugged her tightly and thanked her for an amazing summer, "It was exactly what I needed." Barb just smiled, "I know my dear, don't lose this side of you once you're back immersed in that world. You have to know you are not alone now. You have me... and Fred." The way Barb said Fred's name was all sing-songy. You just shook your head at her antics, "No, just.... No." You both laughed. After one last hug, you stepped into the fireplace with your pack stuffed to the gills. You waved happily as you tossed the powder and spoke "King's Cross Station."

Dusting yourself off you noticed the platform area thinning out. You were confused as to where you were supposed to go. Within moments you heard Arthur Weasley, "Aila, my dear girl you're late, let's hurry this way."

You and Barb both failed to accurately calculate the time change. So you arrived just as the train was ready to depart, everyone and everything was loaded and Arthur simply ran toward a wall and disappeared. You followed with a blind amount of trust and you emerged to find an old-fashioned steam train. Students were waving out the windows and it slowly began to move. "Shit!" You yelled as you started running towards the platforms. You heard Arthur yell, "Your trunk is on the train, Good Luck". The train was speeding up as you approached one of the doorways and you jumped onto the stairs just before it was too fast for you to keep up with.

You had to stop and catch your breath. You may have hiked many trails this past summer but you were not ready for such a sprint. You weren't sure where you were on the train but you realized you were in a compartment full of first-year students. First, you started walking in one direction only to find a sign a few cars down that highlighted the layout of the train. You were walking in the wrong direction. With annoyance, you turned around and backtracked. About twenty minutes later you were back where you started. You were starting to get overwhelmed by the souls you were hearing. It had been so quiet all summer, now you dove into it head first.

You also got quite a few glares from students, realizing you weren't wearing glasses anymore. It was something Barb convinced you to do. In her words, "Tell them to fuck off if they have an issue." You chuckled overhearing her voice repeating it in your head. You were knocked and shoved and for once you decided to do it in return. Slytherin students were far more aggressive than most. It felt like forever that you were walking along the narrow aisle. You felt like a carp going upstream.

Once the cars thinned out, you noticed a chill in the air and decided to stop and grab your sweatshirt out of your pack. Within' moments you could see your breath and then you heard it. The disgustingly wet sound of a dementor. Frozen in fear, your senses were flooded with an overwhelming sense of despair. Your negative thoughts amplifying and run wild. You couldn't think clearly over the wave of panicking souls and those of a dementor. Actually, as you paid closer attention there were several dementors. You saw wisps of a shadow behind you crossing into the train car you were walking along. You started to back up slowly, stumbling as you turned to run. You were too busy looking behind you to notice yourself running into a hard tall mass. A pair of hands clasped your shoulder and you closed your eyes. Your senses were calmed and all you could hear was a gentle plucking of a harp you were enveloped in warmth and you knew exactly who it was.

"George, hurry there is a dementor." You craned your neck up to look at him and became immediately flustered by what you saw. George had grown significantly taller over the summer and decided to let his hair grow. His face had thinned out a bit and lost some of that baby-faced innocence that both twins had when you first met them. He smirked down at you and closed your gaping mouth with one of his slender fingers. Your spell was broken when ice ran through your veins, despite being lulled by George's soul the wet slick sounds broke through and you pushed him to run.

When You're Strange (Weasley Twins x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now