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One of the first things Barb did was heal your leg, you weren't sure how to do it yourself and honestly, it never occurred to you to even do it. You noticed a small feint scar and just rolled your eyes at yet another mark on your body.

You inhaled the rich and strong coffee and you started to laugh at the insanity. Barb just watched waiting for you to unload. You closed your eyes still laughing, "You didn't send them an owl did you Barb?" She looked at you warily, "I only received yours, dear." You laughed even more, tears streaming down your face, "I was the one assaulted and I got kicked to the curb." Your laugh was turning more hollow and became frightening to your ears.

"What happened?" Barb's voice was soft and caring and very un-Barb-like. You shook your head, "Percy Weasley is a self-righteous jealous prick. He took it too far and I am the one that has to leave." You took a long sip letting the dark rich taste soothe you, "You know what, he was never going to carry through with it but he wanted to make a good show of it all." You hummed and giggled, "Well my first kiss was a Weasely, but I would have preferred any of his siblings over him."

You sighed and laid out in great detail what happened in the shed with Percy. You told her about the events since Christmas break. You talked until you were exhausted. She shared her frustration and anger for you and helped you better understand the world of wizardry when it came to these matters. The rest of the day was spent curled up on the couch with a book.

Throughout those first days, you woke up every morning at dawn to find yourself at the ocean. You mulled over the last six months, the ups and the downs. You thought about Buckbeak and Draco, the twins, and their grand plans. You thought about Molly and Arthur and their actions, your level-headed mind understood but your heart hurt. What Percy did was despicable but it was what you expected of him. His goal was to humiliate you and turn the family on you. His goal was to be "caught" in a promiscuous position, not to truly violate you in such an abhorrent fashion. Granted, his actions violated you well enough. You could still feel the pointed sharpness of his tongue and it left you with a great distaste for your first kiss. Not that you put any stock into things like first kisses, or first-time anything for that matter.

Finally, one morning as you sat there feeling the warm rays of the sun, you decided to push it all from your mind. Percy didn't deserve any more real estate in your mind. You decided it was time for you to get an owl. You vowed to yourself to keep in touch with Draco and you knew that it wouldn't be long before you wanted to write to the Weasly siblings. You wanted to see if you could get the same job you had last summer and overall you looked forward to decompressing.

The following day Barb took you to get an owl, actually, it ended up being a Northern Harrier that you named Gray after his soft gray face. The first letter you sent out was to Draco explaining where you will be over the summer. You also wrote a letter to Ginny, you knew for a fact she was in your corner, and without having spoken to anyone else, you were worried maybe they blamed you for everything that went down. Barb chastised you for thinking such things but you couldn't help it.

It didn't take Ginny long to respond, her letter was long and you could feel the heartache in her words. She was disappointed in how Percy acted and surprised by her parent's actions. She shared with you how everyone was faring and how George and Fred were eerily quiet. They were focusing on their dream of opening a Joke Shop and were hard at work creating new products. She mentioned that it would be great if you wrote them since they felt that maybe you were upset with them. After reading her letter you felt ashamed for not saying goodbye face to face. A week later you received a letter from Draco, he saw through your bullshit. His letter was short and sweet and required a more detailed response from you.

Dearest Aila,

You are not a very good liar, I should know, I am one of the best. So, let's try this again. What happened with the Weasleys? If those two dim-wits did anything, I swear, they will wish for death.

Trustingly yours,

When You're Strange (Weasley Twins x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now