chapter seventeen

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"this is a partner project, so pair up with the person beside you" the professor spoke, directing the class. i looked to my right to see the guy beside me was already paired up.

i internally sighed and looked to my left to see jenny. "partners?" she questioned. there was no one left to partner up with other than her. "sure" i nodded.

maybe i should give jenny a chance. she might actually be really nice, and i'm just too hung up on the fact that she's with slash.

"do you wanna come over to mine tonight?" jenny questioned. "yeah sure, just give me the address" i smiled, passing her a piece of paper.

"are you joining us for dinner tonight?" mom questioned, opening my bedroom door. "uh im going to my classmates for a project" i slightly smiled, as the les paul sat across my lap.

"oh, who is he" mom smirked. "she's a girl" i giggled. "oh sorry" mom joined in with a laugh. "yeah, and she's slash's girlfriend too" i huffed slightly.

"oh he has a new girlfriend?" mom asked, arching her left brow. "yep" i sighed, looking down. "okay well when are you going to be home tonight?" "sometime" i shrugged with a sly smile.

"you're so helpful" mom rolled her eyes, before closing the door and going back upstairs. i put the guitar back in its case before grabbing my backpack once it was time to go.

i swiftly left the house before arriving at jenny's place. i knocked on the front door and waited for a response. it wasn't jenny though, it was slash.

seeing him made my heart break for the millionth time. "hey dahlia, what are you doing here?" slash questioned, eyebrows furrowed as a cigarette hung from his mouth.

"we're working on a project, move" jenny interrupted, giggling a little. slash backed away from the door so i could come inside. "this is my place" jenny shrugged, leading us to the living room couches.

i set down my stuff and looked around. seemed like slash had really made himself at home here. alcohol bottles and cigarettes littered the room. i knew it wasnt jenny, cause she didnt seem like that.

as we started working, i kept feeling slash's eyes on me. it made me nervous like never before. i'd catch him a few times, and he'd just take another swig from his drink to break the eye contact.

the sexual tension was crazy, but we werent like that anymore. and no matter how much i wanted to do something, i wouldnt. i dont wanna be stuck in a class with someone who hates me.

we got a solid amount done. it was due friday, so we still had two days to work on it. "you want pizza?" jenny asked, closing her books. i looked over at the clock before shrugging, "sure."

it wasnt too late, and slash left to go hang out with the boys so i didnt mind staying a bit longer. a slight meow came out of nowhere, scaring me. "awe who's this?" i questioned, dragging my hand along the fur.

"this is my baby, dottie" jenny smiled. dottie was adorable, i wanted to take her home. after a bit, i pulled out my pack of cigarettes and held them up slightly.

"you mind if i smoke in here?" i questioned. "no, go ahead" jenny nodded. i lit up the cancer stick and took a long inhale. i was starting to get low on them since jess and i barely talked anymore.

as we waited for the pizza, we got to know each other better. jenny was the opposite of me. super innocent, didnt drink, didnt smoke. all that kinda stuff.

i could tell she was slightly intimidated by me. slash and i were much more alike than her and slash were. but i tried my best to reassure her nothing was going on between us.

just as i was about to leave, slash got back. i opened the front door and he stood there, about to twist the knob. i let out a little giggle. "leaving?" slash questioned. "mhm."

"i'll walk you to your car" he spoke. i looked back at jenny and she had a jealous look on her face. "bye" i smiled at her. "bye" she spoke, forcing a fake smile.

as slash and i approached my car he turned to me. "you still talk to jess?" he questioned. "not really" i shook my head. "why, whats going on?" i added.

"steven's been showing up to practice late and looking like shit" he spoke. "i guess i could talk to jess and see if everything is alright" i shrugged. "sure, thanks" he nodded.

he began walking away before turning back. "get home safe." i dont even know why, but that gave me intense butterflies. i stood there in awe for a few moments before getting in my car.

"maybe he still cares about me" i whispered to myself as i began driving away. i would stop as jess' tonight, but it was getting late and i have classes tomorrow.

"wanna come over again tonight?" jenny asked. jenny had been acting kinda weird. she was a bit more defensive today and i wanted to tell her off, but i decided not to.

"yeah i'll be there" i spoke, not looking at her and focusing on the front. " dont have to knock this time, you can just come in" she nodded. weird, but okay.

after class, i quickly stopped at jess' place. it took a few minutes for her to answer the door but she eventually got there. "hey dahlia...everything okay?" jess weakly smiled.

"yeah uh can i come in?" i asked. she nodded and stepped aside, allowing me into her apartment. as she led me to the living room, i peered into the open bedroom door.

steven laid sprawled out, knocked out cold. well that explains why he isnt showing up. "so whats up?" she questioned, sitting down. "just wanted to catch up, its been a while" i shrugged.

i didnt wanna be suspicious or anything. "oh ive been good, just working at the coffee shop and hanging around here" she smiled. "oh nice, hows steven?"

her gaze fell and i was a little suspicious. "honestly..his drug habits have gotten so bad" she whispered. "yeah i can tell. slash is worried about him." "is that why you came here?" jess asked.

"no of course not" i shook my head. "you sure? seems like slash sent you here, and you? you're always on your knees for him" she chuckled. "excuse me?" i questioned, standing up quickly.

"no, you dont care about just care about getting attention from slash. face it girl, he doesnt like you" she raged, raising her voice. that sentence kinda stung a little but i didnt let it show.

"you're only coming after me cause i actually have a life unlike you. youre stuck in this little apartment with your druggie boyfriend" i talked back. "pshh, you act like steven is worse than any of the guns boys...bitch open your eyes."

i decided not to escalate the situation anymore, so i turned on my heels and began leaving. "oh and tell slash to go fuck himself and worry about himself!" jess spoke, getting in the last word.

as i walked past the bedroom, steven appeared. "whats going on?' he spoke, clutching his head. "tame your fucking girlfriend" i sighed, leaving in a flash.

guess jess and i were no more huh.

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