chapter two

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dahlia's pov

the boys had now made themselves comfortable in my basement. not to mention, they had already made a huge mess out of it.

about halfway through the movie, i slipped away into the comfort of my bedroom. i just wanted a little bit of alone time. that was all i asked.

i pulled out my les paul again, and sat down on my bed. i wasn't sure what to play, so i just made up my own thing.

"that sounds cool" a voice spoke. my breath hitched in my throat as i looked up to see slash. "oh uh, thanks" i shyly nod, trying to avoid eye contact.

"how long have you been playing for?" he questions, leaning on to the door frame. "never really played, just have it" i shrug, placing it back into the case.

"you're a natural" he smirks, turning around. i go to protest, and convince him to stay, but he's already gone. sighing out, i turn off the light and join the boys back in the family room.

june 6th, 1985

"hold still" i fuss, trying to tease axl's hair to the heights. finally he listened, and i was able to finish up without killing somebody.

currently the five boys were sitting in the dressing room of the troubadour, and lucky me, i volunteered to help with their makeup and hair. worst decision of my life.

i only had to do slash's makeup, and they'd be all set to go on stage. fishing out my eyeliner pencil, i popped off the top and brought it up to his eye. "you move, i will kill you" i threatened, holding his head still.

as i moved onto his blush, i felt his eyes piercing in to my soul. "stop doing that" i mumble, hoping he wouldn't hear. "doing what?" he innocently asks, a smirk appearing. "stop staring at me, you're making me nervous" i reply, backing away. "done."

i went out to the main area so i could watch them. i felt a little too under dressed. everyone was so hot, while i stood there in my skinny jeans and aerosmith top. eh who am i trying to impress anyways?

the turn out was quite good, especially for this being their first show. everyone around was having fun and drinking, while i only really paid attention to slash. i mean, his playing was amazing! maybe i should get him to teach me a few things.

after finishing up, i headed backstage to see my favourite boy, duff. "holy shit guys, that was amazing!" i exclaim, throwing open the door.

"really?" steven asked, practically bouncing up and down. "uh yeah" i smile, strutting over to duff and taking a seat on his lap. as his arms protectively wrapped around me, i got a jealous stare from none other than axl.

"what do ya say we go party?" axl questions, a smirk forming. "uh you guys have fun, im gonna head home" i nod, getting up and collecting my things. "i'll walk you home!" duff offers but im quick to refuse. "ill be fine." i mean how scary could la be at night?

bad idea, i mean horrible idea. maybe i should have thought about the fact that the night stalker was fucking slashing people's throats. on the walk home, i was paranoid. i kept looking behind me every turn i took. im just a scaredy cat.

luckily i got home in one piece. "im home!" i shouted, entering the front door. the only noise i could hear was the tv in the living room. i entered the room to see mom peacefully passed out on the couch.

before going to my room, i carefully covered her with a fuzzy blanket. she didnt stir, so i nodded and headed downstairs, to my room. deciding it was late enough, i crawled into bed and shut my eyes.


waking up the next day, i rolled out of bed at the sound of my alarm. it was seven in the morning, ugh way too early. luckily today it was a friday though, and that meant a half day. i only had about two weeks left until the end of school.

i had already planned everything for university, well kinda. i'd go to some sort of law school and train in criminology. in case you havent noticed, i wanna be a detective. more specifically a homicide detective. 

true crime has always been a big part of my life. and especially now with the night stalker relevant, i was even more interested and inspired i guess.

"good morning" mom smiled as i entered the bright coloured kitchen. "morning" i nodded, grabbing the orange juice from the fridge.

"is duff here?" i questioned, sitting at the table. "i don't think so" mom shrugged. "okay. oh! do you mind if jess comes over after school? and maybe sleepover?" i questioned, stuffing my mouth with toast. "sure."

"bye mom! see you later!" i shouted, closing the front door. my beat down car sat in the driveway, waiting for me to unlock it. my car isn't the best, but it drives so that's all that matters.

i grabbed my sunglasses from the centre console, and rolled my window down as i saw haden exiting the house. "hey, you need a ride?" i questioned, making his head snap in my direction.

"nah, i'm not going to school today" he shrugged, walking over. "then where you going?" i asked, furrowing my eyebrows. "out to the beach house with my friends. can you cover me?" he nicely asked.

"yeah, yeah, fine" i scoffed rolling my eyes. "cool, thanks" he nodded, walking away from my car and down the street. he should be lucky i'm actually nice enough to cover him.

i backed out of the driveway and took the fifteen minute drive to school. it was a nice day, the sun was out, and the wind was calmer than usual. im definitely gonna spend a lot of time outside today.

i pulled up into the spot and rolled up my windows before getting out. "dahlia!" my best friend, jess called out. "hey" i smiled, locking the car. "so can i come over?" "yeah" i nodded.

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