chapter eighteen

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"hey im here!" i called out, opening the front door to jenny's place. there was no answer so i shrugged and entered the living room.

jenny sat on slashs lap grinding back and forth as they made out. it took everything in me not to throw up and rage at the same time. "ahem" i coughed, gaining the attention of them.

"oh hey dahlia!" jenny exclaimed, peeling herself off slash's lap. "hi" i awkwardly waived. "im just gonna go to the bathroom then we can get started...slash you wanna join?" jenny smirked.

"nah, im good" he spoke, lighting up a cigarette. ignoring jenny, i held out my hand to him. "can i have one?" jenny stood there eyeing us. "yeah, here" slash spoke, handing me the cancer stick and lighting it for me.

"you going to the bathroom babe?" slash asked. "yeah, just got a little distracted" she fake laughed before leaving the room. when she was gone, i turned my attention to him.

"so i went to visit jess" i started. "and?" "she left a little message for you. she said tell slash to go fuck himself and worry about himself" i spoke, kinda giving him a glare.

he just let out a slight laugh while throwing his head back. "no, thanks to you i just lost my best friend" i sighed. "im still here" he shrugged. "no, youre not."

"okay im back!" jenny smiled, her makeup all done up. oh god...

three weeks later

as the days went on, jenny was constantly annoying me. she'd never stop talking about slash. she even made sure to include all the "new" things they did in bed.

this particular day i wasnt having any of it. classes just finished, so i was packing up my things to go home. just as i left the classroom, a specific voice called my name.

"hey dahlia, did you not hear me calling you?" jenny asked catching up to me. "no, sorry" i fake smiled. "uhm do you think we could talk?" she questioned, stopping me.

"uh sure?" i asked, getting slightly nervous. it couldnt be anything that bad, but when anyone says that sentence i always assume the worst.

i followed her to the cafeteria where we sat down. "so uh i usually keep quiet about this stuff but im deciding to speak up" she started.

"i....dont want you around slash" she quietly mentioned. "why?" "i dont like the way you flirt with him and stuff" she shrugged. "i havent flirted with him though..."

okay this girl is going crazy. "it seems like you are...and we've already planned some stuff in our life together and i dont want you ruining it" she blandly stated.

"trust me, if anyone is gonna ruin the relationship it'll be slash" i chuckled a little. "what do you mean by that?" she asked, raising her left brow.

"you're a super nice girl and you're giving him a place to live and money to fuel his drug habits" i started. "and when we were fucking around, he'd stay with me because he had no one else."

"and look at yourself. you dont drink, you dont smoke, you dont do anything bad. and when he gets bored of you he'll be gone" i shrugged. i hope she believed me cause i was telling her the truth.

"no, you're lying. he said i was the first girl he actually wanted to be with" jenny spoke, her voice wavering slightly. "listen i dont care if you believe me or not, but first hand i know what its like. and he doesnt love you, he's just using you."

a tear dropped from jennys left eye as she stood up. "i need to go" she whispered, before practically running out of the cafeteria. i felt like an asshole, but she deserved the truth.

a few people looked over at me before going on with their business. i just sighed and picked up my backpack before heading home.

"hey hon, how was your day?" mom asked as i entered the front door. "eh could've been better" i shrugged, sliding off my shoes before sitting beside her on the couch.

i rested my head on her shoulder and sighed out. "whats on your mind?" mom questioned, setting down the book she was reading, while wrapping an arm around me.

"ive been thinking about moving back to boston" i whispered. "why?" mom asked, sitting up slightly and looking at me. "cause here, im tearing apart all my friendships and losing everyone" i shrugged.

"did something happen between you and jess?" "yeah, and we're not friends anymore" i spoke, no emotion in my voice. "pack up your stuff" mom spoke from the silence.

"where are we going?" i questioned, furrowing my brows. "beach house. we all need a break...go tell haden" she smiled, giving my forehead a kiss before getting up.

i shook it off and ventured upstairs. "come in" haden spoke from the other side of the door. "uh mom said pack up" i smiled. "where?" "beach house" i shrugged before leaving his room.

"ma?" i yelled, coming downstairs. "mhm?" she questioned. "are michael and emma coming?" i asked, silently hoping they'd be there. "yeah, they'll meet us there tomorrow."

it was perfect too since it was a long weekend. so i didnt have to worry about school or anything.

in an hour i had everything packed and ready to go. i sported some shorts, a hoodie, and sandals for on the drive there. luckily the weather was still warm so i could swim.

"okay lets get going guys!" mom yelled from upstairs. i carried my suitcase up and brought it out to moms truck. "a suitcase, really?" haden questioned, throwing his backpack in the truck.

"i have a lot of stuff" i just shrugged. "i call shotgun!" i yelled, hopping in the passenger seat. "oh cmon really? you always get shotgun" haden sighed, rolling his eyes.

"you'll be passed out anyways" i smirked. "okay uhm lets stop at mcdonalds for dinner? we'll need to go to the grocery store too" mom spoke, interrupting our conversation.

a few hours later, we arrived at the beach house. the sun was setting leaving beautiful colours dancing in the sky. we brought all the stuff in before i went to my room.

it stayed the same way it was since last time. the bed was made, several paintings i did when i was younger hung on the walls, and my acoustic guitar sat in the corner.

i really wish i came out here was like the perfect escape.

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