5: broken arsenal

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Roy harper, shit. Argent caught up to me. "what are you a member of the arrow club?" Asked Argent, I pulled myself onto the roof, he's already seen my tail so no reason to hide it "one it's team Arrow and two are we going to chat or fight?" I asked, I Had my voice modulator on now, though he probably knows it's me anyway but I'm not risking it. Argent flung a card at Me, I bearly missed it "fighting it is" I said, I shot an arrow at him, he chucked a card at it and nocked it away. "How about instead of fighting you run!" Yelled Lydia, what? Run? Argent chucked a card at my Tail, I pulled it in, I do not need another thing for him to target. "Ya Roy Double down is tricky" informed Oliver, Argent shot my leg, fuck more yellow wolfsbane! "o-LIVER?" I said, what is he doing there? she's in star Labs, and Felicity is there and she said team Arrow is in Central "Who you talking to in there?" Asked Argent, I shot at argent, and now I'm out of arrows. they said double down, is that his code name? Oh wait that's what he's been called since I've been watching him! "I can't believe your a meta! What do you tell yourself after your hunts!" I yelled, if I was a killer I would kill him, but I already have way to much guilt about the Kaduna murders. "What?" Asked Argent, I caught him off guard! I kicked him down! BANG! and he shot me again, I fell down, fuck I'm feeling all of the yellows wolfsbane... I think three were yellow, maybe more but there are several other bullets "you're strong, I've never seen someone deal with that much yellow wolfsbane" informed Argent, like I care. I got up and Stumbled over the roof, Bearly catching the edge with my hands, why did I grabbed the edge? I don't want him to have the satisfaction in killing me! "Don't you fucking dare!" Yelled Lydia, why?  he want him to kill me so why not? "Do not let go you moron!" Thea Yelled, Thea... Thea's there. Well at least if I do die she'll be one of the last things I've heard. My hand Slipped off. Uh oh I got my claws out on the hand that just let go and Clawed into the wall. Argent clocked his gun, ya I'm dead. "get away from him!" Yelled... Oliver, what is he doing here?! I think it's Oliver, I can't hear his voice properly or see him, but it has to be him! How did he get here? I heard cards and arrows shooting, I think I hear Barry! That's how they got here. I would try to get my other hand on the edge but my claws are dug Into the wall and I'm scared that if I try I will die. "A little help?" I mumbled, can feel my hand loosening, I saw someone walking close to the edge. I didn't think that through "He got away" informed Oliver, he put his hand on mine and held his hand out, I dug my hand out the wall and quickly pulled the claws in and grabbed his hand. Oliver pulled me up with a little help from myself. "Why do you always get yourself into stupid situations?" Asked Oliver, I am in so much pain right now "I'm a moron" I chuckled, I- shit I dropped my lighter "you dropped your lighter didn't you?" Sighed Lydia, how can she always tell?! "Ah- ya, ya I know" I mumbled, I will never hear the end of this from her "you both need to go to our hideout, I'll send where it is to Oliver" Informed Lydia, I slowly got up, this is going to hurt.

Oliver queen, I stumbled into Roy's and Lydia's hideout, that had a broken door for some reason. I set him down in a chair, he was in too much pain to walk on his own, but luckly he's light. "what's next?" I asked, I can't believe he's still doing thi- who am I kidding of course he is! "Grab a lighter, you're going to need to burn out the wolfsbane" informed Lydia, I'm going to have to burn Roy? "What? I don't want to do that!" I Panicked, It looks like he's in enough pain already! "Oliver you've hurt me multiple times, what's on- five, seven? four? more? I'm in so much pain Salt water" Slurd Roy, I- d- did he just call me salt water? I'll ask him about it later.

Lydia Martin, they'd gotten to the hide out, Oliver's burned out the wolfsbane, Roy was unconscious "he's alive, just out cold" informed Oliver, that's good. There's going to be a big explainion, or not if I run away "I'll be going now, I need to make sure my idiot will live past the night, I couldn't even leave him for a couple of days!" I Moaned, Roy is such a moron! I'll tell him off in a couple of hours after he's fully healed "he's not your idiot" Said Thea, jealous? Shouldn't she be more- oh wait she calls him a moron a lot "I guess, I just babysit him 90% of the time, and that's being generous" I informed, Roy does less then the bare minimum to take care of himself, not because he doesn't know how but because he sees no point to treat himself nice."preach, Roy's always been..." Started Thea, can she not think of words? "Doesn't care about himself? Bearley listens, stupid, idiotic" I listed, Roy's a great guy, but he thinks he doesn't deserve living "ya, that's my moron" smiled Thea, Roy is such a moron, how do I live with him? "Hay Barry take me back to Cait's and Beacon hills" I said, I need to get back to that dumbass quickly. "I- ya ok" Agreed Barry, why is it surprising that Roy almost got killed in less then two days?!

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