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Chapter 8.2: If You Leave

Guessing that Yi Chen would not return home early, Mo Sheng decided to eat dinner outside. It was after eight when she returned home.

Opening the door, the room was really dark.

Fumbling for the light switch, a deep male voice suddenly rang out.

“Back already?”

“Yi Chen?” Because she did not expect it, Mo Sheng was shocked.

The voice came from the balcony. His tall body in silhouette. He stood with his back to her and did not turn around.

The atmosphere between them turned somewhat depressing.

“Why didn’t you answer the phone?” Yi Chen asked softly, between his fingers was a burning lit cigarette.

What phone? Mobile phone? Mo Cheng took her mobile phone out of her handbag and found out it had already shutdown. “The battery died.”

No battery? So that was why. It seemed as if Yi Chen breathed out in relief. His voice sounded a little tired.

“You better go to bed early.”

“Okay.” Mo Sheng replied. She thought for a while, then said in determination: “Yi Chen, I have something to say to you.”

“About what?”

Mo Sheng bit her lips and muttered: “I feel that we don’t behave like a married couple, we……”

“Really?” Yi Chen asked derisively, “How should a married couple act? In this regard, you have a lot more experience than me.”

There was no reply for a long time, so Yi Chen put out the cigarette and turned around. Mo Sheng with her hand holding a shopping bag stood a few meters away. She pursed up her lips tightly and her complexion was pale.

“I bought you a windbreaker.” Mo Sheng said softly, while staring at the floor, “But I used your card to pay for it. Do you want to try it on?”

Suddenly, the stab of pain in Yi Chen’s heart, made him unconsciously clenched his fist.

In these years, all he had dreamed of was that one day Mo Sheng was able to stand in front of him again. He could touch her if he just held out his arm. Where this was no longer an illusion. She was really standing in front of him now, so what more could he still want?

“You……” Yi Chen’s voice softened. There, there was a pause. His face was pale when he stared at her hair.

Unable to ignore his intense gaze, Mo Sheng looked up. Was he looking at her hair? She said with a little embarrassment: “I just cut my hair.”

“I have eyes, I can see.” His tone stiff and his eyes still. He finally turned away. It was as if he could not stand to look at her anymore.

Yi Chen quickly lit another cigarette. A long time passed before he said with an extremely repressed voice: “Go to bed.”


“Don’t talk to me right now.” He rudely interrupted her.

Although she was tired from shopping, Mo Sheng could not sleep. She lay in bed listening to Yi Chen’s footsteps from the balcony to the study. After a long time, he walked from the study to the guest room. Then, the sound of a door closing. Finally, everything was quiet.

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