5) -Fast and Furious

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Loki placed his hands on his knees as he tried to slow his breathing. He was a couple of kilometres away from the group but that didn't last long cause whatever those soldiers were didn't need any rest. So he used the short amount of time to build up his energy and run further away.

He figured since he didn't hear any screaming or yelling the man of iron was probably already taken or dead. Such a pity.

When he noticed the group of soldiers nearing him again he prepared himself for another fast run but waited a moment longer cause he liked to take his chances.

Although what he did not expect was when a metal like structure was also fleeing the group of soldiers at full speed leaving a cloud of dust in their faces that slowed them down just a touch. The structure went ahead of them and stopped infront of Loki.

When the sand settled it revealed a familiar face behind the steering wheel. "Get in loser we're running away from an angry mob"

Without waiting any further or asking questions Loki got in the passenger's seat.

"What are you waiting for!"

"Did you really think I stopped only to pick you up? Hang on a sec", Tony said scrabbling through his shoes to search for something. He pulled out a pair of sunglasses and put that on then he pulled out a tape.

"Sure hopes this thing still works", he mumbled as he placed it in the car's radio.

"Stark they're coming closer"

"Yeah I know just wait"

He clicked a few buttons on the radio before his playlist began to play. Loki looked unamused but he ignored it.

Tony pressed on the gas as the soldiers drew closer and they drove away, one of the soldier's spears grazing the car slightly.

They were right on the car's trail so Tony swirved the car in different directions in order to gain more speed and out drive them. The two men heard a loud bang on the roof and they could only assume that it was one of the soldiers, the rusty head poking from the front confirmed it.

Loki reacted quickly, he shot his hand out and a blast of green magic sent the soldier flying forward, they drove over him in the process.

"What the heck do they want from us!?", Stark asked as he pressed the gas harder causing the car to go at alarming speed. Both men raised an arm to hold onto the roof to keep themselves from falling out.

During that a soldier threw his spear at them and it went through the radio silencing it to which Tony gasped.

"These bastards-!"

Loki cut him off by letting out a deep chuckle. He yanked the spear out the now broken radio and threw it out the back window piercing a soldier's armour and it plummeted to the ground metal scattered across the sand.

Both of them watched the scenery in confusion, "They're not human!", Stark stated over the noise.

"Nor are they children of Thanos!"

"And how do you know the looks of Thanos's army!?"

"Don't bother to dwell on the past just keep going!" Loki shouted in a different tone and emotion, one that Stark noticed even in all the chaos but he didn't ask anything yet. He just kept driving.

The very sight of multiple soldiers running infront of the car pulled them out of their thoughts. It looked like they were trying to corner the two in a triangle like formation. And in that moment they realised, if these soldiers wanted them dead so bad there would've been weapons sticking out of them now. They wanted the two alive.

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