Light that shines my heart (Chapter 7??)

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Err, seriously, sorry for making you wait, I don't have time to make a Wattpad story, plus I'm busy with others, it's better to continue with the story


"Xiao huh..."

"Yes, earlier I brought you to my room when that stupid ginger came to bring you here"


"Oh... W-Wait your room?!"

   Aether was shocked and confused, this room was very modern and she was allowed in?!

   The bed is also almost more comfortable than the room in the apartment...

"A-Ah, can I really come in here?"

"Yeah... This hotel belongs to Childe who is also a close friend of my brother and I can basically do whatever I want here, It's like I manage the hotel..."

"H-Hotel? Manage?? So this hotel is like yours???"

"You could say that..."

   They both fell silent even though Aether looked all around the room, Xiao felt guilty again because he made the atmosphere feel awkward but...

"So cool... But I feel like this is too modern for me, I'm not the kind of person who likes fancy things like this, oh and do you have friends here? There must be a lot right?"

Xiao paused and looked down, he didn't really socialize with other people here. Aether was immediately worried.

"A-Ah... Did I offend you..?"

Xiao immediately turned to Aether, surprised to see Aether's worried expression.

"N-No, I-.."

Xiao felt silent.

"Hm? It's alright, just talk to me and I'll listen anyway"

  Aether smiled, Xiao immediately felt so stabbed to see Aether's sweet and gentle expressions to him. Like a light shining on his heart

   Xiao finally spoke about the problem he always faced.

"I rarely socialize with other people... I rarely talk and it always makes things awkward, I... I just make things worse and..."


"Hah... Anyway, I'm not someone you can talk to..."

   Xiao lowered his head, Aether stood up from the bed and immediately hugged Xiao, Xiao was shocked.

"It's okay, I don't think you always make things awkward, you just didn't know what to say, it wasn't your fault, you did your best."

   Aether felt sorry to hear Xiao, and then Aether realized something–

"A-Ah I hugged you without my permission—"

   Aether almost let go of his arm because it felt impolite to hug someone without permission.

But Xiao hugged Aether back, even tightly as if he really needed that hug.

   It had been a long time since Xiao had hugged someone who made him feel comfortable.

"I just met you, but I really thank you for entertaining me and listening to what I to said before..."

"No problem, I'm glad you feel more comfortable now."

   They hugged for a moment, it was the first time for Xiao to feel happy because of someone.

"So I heard that you don't have any friends, if I may, I want to be your friend! How about that?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2023 ⏰

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