🌑 Too Early || Amanene

64 3 9

Hanahaki au

Mentions of blood

It was just a usual day for Amane. Wake up, go to school, and avoid Tsukasa. Well, at least try to avoid Tsukasa. His twin tried to follow him everywhere. It was annoying, but Amane still cared for Tsukasa. Besides, it wasn't bad. There were worse situations out there in the world. His problems were nothing compared to them.

Although today was different. When Amane woke up, he felt like something was stuck in his throat. It caused him to cough, and when he saw what it was, he was very confused. Why was there a flower petal in his throat? How did it even get there?

He was so confused, but shrugged it off. It wasn't a big deal, since it was probably nothing. Besides, it was probably one of Tsukasa's pranks. It wasn't like one flower petal could kill him.

He stared at the yellow flower petal in his hand. There was no way someone would believe him if he told someone, but there was no way he could tell anyone either. They would probably think it was just some sort of joke.

He got curious about the flower petal he coughed up. First, how did it even get there? Second, why was it there? Third, what kind of flower was it? Last, what was its purpose in the first place? It was so random to have a flower in his throat.

The most reasonable answer was one of Tsukasa's pranks on Amane. While he was sleeping, Tsukasa probably put flower petals in his mouth. If that were the case, then wouldn't Amane have woken up when Tsukasa put the petals in his mouth?

It was the only reasonable answer Amane could think of. Either way, not that big of a deal, so he'd just figure out where to hide the flower petals if he coughed up more somehow.

It's not like he would die from it. Right? There's no way he could die just from flower petals. Well, unless they somehow were in his lungs growing, trying to suffocate him. That wouldn't happen though. It was too unlikely and illogical. There was no way it would somehow happen.


A week later, and it got worse. Along with flower petals, Amane was coughing up blood along with the petals. The scratch in his throat got worse. At first it was a subtle feeling he got now and then, but now it was a vast annoyance throughout the day.

He coughed a lot more than usual, and when he felt like a bloodied flower petal would get coughed up, he'd ask to go to the restroom. It didn't have to be a bloodied flower petal. Just whenever he felt a flower petal was coming.

What made it even worse was that his mother was getting worried about him. It wasn't a big deal. No, scratch that. It was a big deal now. At first it wasn't that bad, but now it definitely was bad. He didn't want to bother anyone with his problems. He was already bullied, so he didn't want anyone to worry too much about him.

It would go away soon, hopefully. Maybe he would just have to live with it forever. Although, it was getting increasingly worse each day. He assumed there wasn't much time until the flower suffocated him.

As the week went by, the bloodied yellow flower petals weren't the only things he coughed up. He started coughing up the leaves and a few times the whole flower. He immediately got rid of the evidence of the flowers ever existing.

With the bloodied yellow flower, he saw what the flower was. A yellow tulip was causing him to cough up flower petals. The questions he had earlier came to the surface. What was he coughing from a yellow tulip? What do tulips have to do with anything?

When he was younger, he remembered asking if there were any meanings behind the flowers. He was told yellow tulips had something to do with being a hopeless romantic.

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