The Twist

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The boys walked where they all looked at all sorts of invented experiments.

[A scene shows all the Canimals stacked into a pile as they get knocked over with a Bowling Ball. All of which fall to the ground feeling dizzy]

[Another scene shows Yellow Guy tied to the electric chair and being electrocuted. Duck Guy looks at the experiment and writes down his clipboard. He wrote down, "1 Dead Boy on Electric Chair."]

Sunsy: [Cringes] I don't like this.

Robert: Me neither.

Xavier: Come on. You'll soon get used to zees by zee time I reveal what I use for my inventions.

Dustyz: Umm, okay.

Dumby: So, what do you think we should look at first?

Xavier: Well, right now, you could see these Happy Tree Friends in cubical bodies.

Robert: Oooohh, are they like heaters or something?

Xavier: Obviously.

Robert: Let me have a go! 

Sunsy: Robert! Wait!

Before anyone could stop him, Robert took his shirt off and raced towards that thing.

[Toothy and Lumpy chuckle at each other with their cubical bodies. When they looked at Robert]

Robert: Hey, guys! I am like both of you, now!

Xavier: Here, vee has a Hot Tub excessively made of lava.

[The scientist looks at his watch. It says, "Time's Up!"]

Scientist: Okay. Out you go.

Dippy: Okie Dokie.

[Dippy the Dark Pink Bean walks out of the hot tub. The lower half of his body was burnt. It disintegrated into skeleton legs]

Scientist: Oh my god! [Writes down on his clipboard]

Xavier: These are a few test labs that show anthropomorphic objects doing everyday social life skills a human being can do.

Max: Oh look. There's the vacuum cleaner on a treadmill.

Sunsy: This blanket is so warm.

Xavier: Come on. Let's get a move on.

Sunsy: Awww.

Xavier: This is the reboot machine. It transforms any anthropomorphic vehicle-like character or objects into brand new. You see many of these old cartoons have been modernised because of a new generation of children.

Dustyz: Okay, I see what you mean.

Max: I'm not sure about this, you guys.

Sunsy: Come on, we can all watch as far as we can get used to all this.

Max: Uuuhhh, I just don't know.

Xavier: You've heard these brave wise men, no dawdle.

Max: Uugggghh. Okay, Grandpa.

The boys gathered around while Xavier shows out his machine.

Dumby: Hang on, there's a red coach in there.

Xavier: Yup. That's part of the project.

Dumby: Are you sure she's safe in there?

Xavier: Of course. This thing is painless. She won't be able to feel a thing. 

Dr Xavier walked to the lever.

Xavier: Are you ready?

Red Coach: I'm not.

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