The Gang goes to Court

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The next day at the PeterTown Courthouse. Everyone and I mean EVERYONE was outraged by all this. And so was the controller.

Controller of the PRJ: Alright, gentlemen. I don't know if it's the teenagers to blame or the forensic evidence to the public. But this is not okay.

Crowd: That's right! Yeah! [Rabbles altogether]

Judge: Okay, everyone. Be quiet. Now, as the court is settled in, Xavier, how do you plead?

Xavier: Not guilty, you're honour.

[Max and his Mother, Xandra could be seen unimpressed with Xavier's attitude.]

Background Boy: Why would he do such a thing like this? Why??? [Cries while Background Girl comforts him]

Joey Haricot was an assistant manager of the courts. He spoke to Max.

Joey: Alrighty then, Max. Since when you entered the lab, what did you experience?

Max: Well, as soon as he signed us all into the place. My eyes were wide open. Take a look at all these innocent cartoon characters! Like Krystal.

Krystal: It's such a wrong situation.

[Chloe is seen hugging Robert.]

Joey: Dustyz 100. Is this prematurely necessary for Xavier to make crazy experiments containing DRUGS?

Dustyz: Not from my essential point of view. But how you look through doesn't seem as well as what you like to call Inventions.

Chocolate Man: I cannot believe this was a scam to get us killed or something.

Yellow Man: D'oh!

Joey: Dumby Sachet. What is your horrific reaction when you heard about this whole Idea Inventors thing?

Dumby: I always wanted to say how disappointed I am. And I am NOT happy!

Joey: Why is that?

Dumby: Why? Oh, I'll tell you, why! He'd morphed this innocent girl into a car! Flanderized this coach into All Engines Go form! And to make matters worse, HE RUINED MY CAR BY MAKING IT LOOK LIKE A TRANSFORMER!

Caroline: It's okay, Dumby! I'm cool with this.

Dumby: No, it's NOT okay, Carol! Now turn yourself back into a car, THIS INSTANT!

Caroline: Oohhhhh...

Joey: Any thoughts on how Xavier put all this trouble together?

Sunsy: Well, first of all. Let me just say this one thing. They turned this bunny rabbit into a sofa chair!

Scientist: What? It's comfy.

Controller of the PRJ: Get off the chair, please.

Joey: What do you have to say about this, Robert?

Robert: Oh, well, I, Ummm... Fell in love with this train right here. And, hey look! There's my mum! Hi!

Joey: Any thoughts about this man, Kevin Spencer?

Kevin said: "I actually quite like the big spider."

A Few Moments Later...

Xavier: If it wasn't for all these Artificial Intelligence Subjects, I would've made my inventions look modern and futuristic.

Judge: Okay then, Topham. What are the details?

Controller of the PRJ: Hmmm, I am not sure where to put this. But to encounter this career, Xavier would be-

Voice: Now, just hold on a second, folks.

Dustyz: Huh?

Sunsy: What's that noise?

Dumby: Who said that?

Voice: I am Elon Musk. Inventor of Teslas.

Max: Hey, I've heard about this guy. I seen this guy from this one program I watched.

Frauddy: Yeah. Me and my brother had been reading books about him.

Elon: Come on, gentlemen. Don't you see? These inventions can be a bit harmful. But putting less harm into the properties can really make a good fortune. And if you sue this man, there will be no hope for a new generation. What he needs is to understand the importance of inventing things. He just has to not use so much harmful things. Otherwise, people will die.

Xavier: See vhat I mean? Why can't you listen to him???

Xandra: Dad, shush.

Elon: So come on, now. If you set this man free, he will be able to afford all these new innovations that make peoples dreams come true. You know what I mean, right?

Judge: [Sigh] A good point is to no avail, but a chance of a scapegoat is as good as another. Xavier Einstein, you are pleaded NOT Guilty. Case dismissed. [Slams the Gavel down]

Soon, everybody left the courthouse.

Max: Well, grandpa. I hope you learned you lesson.

Xavier: I sure did.

Dumby: Look. I know you are a good inventor. But PLEASE do not try anything crazy next time. Okay?

Xavier: You got that right.

Xandra: He can be a little bit crazy sometimes. He's my father.

Xavier: I am not crazy!

Max: Yes you are.

Elon: There you are, Xavier.

Xavier: Oh, hello, Mr Musk. Thank you so much for setting me free.

Dustyz: But he's not even in a cell.

Elon: It is a great pleasure, Xavier. I do help you out sometimes with extremely complicated inventions, but helping you out of a court settlement means a lot to me.

Max: Where are you going?

Elon: I'm going to the Massachusetts back over at America. I've got a lot of work to put on behind me. Well, I'll see you later, guys. [Climbs onto his Tesla]

Max: Bye.

Xavier: Bye, Elon Musk.

And the Tesla drove away.

Robert: Okay, what do we do now?

Xavier: Vell. Looks like eets time for me to convert that Red Coach back to normal.

Dumby: You can do that?

Xavier: Of course. My Reboot Machine has a reversal that allows to be reverted back to its normal character.

Dustyz: I like the sound of that.

Sunsy: So do I.

Dumby: I'm going home now. Anyone coming along.

Robert: I am! 

Sunsy: So am I.

Dustyz: Same here.

And so, the boys clambered on Dozy and then drove away.

Xavier: Vell, that vent vell. Hasn't eet?

Max: It sure has grandpa.

Xandra: Let's go home shall we?

Max: Okay, mum.

Xavier: Yeah, time to get out of here, eh? 

Max: Hmmm, I wonder what Clanky is up to.

Xavier: And I wonder what Elon Musk is up to.

Meanwhile, at Westborough MA in the United States...

[A taxi dropped off Elon to his destination, and drove away]

Elon: 112. Yep. This is my destination alright. [He walks towards the building] The sooner they get Microchipped, they will all be as smart as the whole world can be. Hehehehe. Hahaha! HAHAHA! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAH!


Idea Inventors (Starring Elon Musk)Where stories live. Discover now