March 17th- Part 1.

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AN|The first part of the short story I started to write few weeks ago. Just like I've mentioned on my Twitter, I've decided to split it on 2 parts, as I thought it was too long for my liking and a mix between Gruvia family fluff and unholy lemon will be to much for your poor hearts to handle lol.|


The sun was slowly making its way down, behind the horizon, as the broad silhouette of an adult in his late thirties, slowly walked along the stoned-lined road.

The said man sighed with satisfaction as he gazed at the direction of the sun which, despite the hour, was pretty much still visible. Thank God spring was finally approaching and he won't have to walk home in complete darkness, not seeing a thing, and on top of that feeling much more worn out than he normally would.

That wouldn't be too ideal for him, today especially, as he had been planning to spend this fine evening with his dear family, which consisted of his beloved, utterly adorable and incomprehensibly beautiful wife as well as their rather troublesome yet, to him anyway, wonderful children.

March 17. On this day Gray and Juvia were to celebrate their yet another wedding anniversary…
14th being exact.

He may be a little late, as he had hoped to get home by 5, but, well, it's not like there's anything he could have done about it, considering the train delay.

The ice mage quickened his pace once he spotted the outline of a familiar wooden building.


Three horribly exhausting months ago, he was, more or less, forced to travel with Erza and Natsu across the country, solely because the scarlet-haired woman said it would be a good opportunity to spend some time together just like in the old days....

Well there was nothing wrong with that, and Gray understood her intention perfectly. He would be very much eager for a short mission alongside two of his best friends, however, even though he sincerely loved those 2, he also had a family, a wife, children…He obviously missed them…

Plus,who knows what kind of trouble these little Devils have managed to get themselves into while he was gone?
Gray shuddered at the memory when that one July evening, Laxus informed him about seeing Greige...his poor, innocent son, in the company of some suspiciously looking brats.

"They may be kids. Fine, but that doesn't change the fact that Greige shouldn't stay around people like that...." thought the man outloud, nodding approvingly to himself.

He really needs to start keeping an eye on Greige more!

And it's not like he's being an overprotective parent!
No matter what that drunkard Cana said!

What's wrong with caring and worrying about his little ones !?

There was not an ounce of exaggeration in that, considering the dangerous world they are living in!

As the man reached toward the whitish gate separating him from his property, a familiar sweet voice reached to his ears.

"Well, well, well… Look Iris, someone finally found his way home. It's about time I must say! I was seriously thinking about finding Mommy a new lover at this point." stated a cobalt haired boy playfully.
Despite a seemingly innocent smile on his pale face, his navy blue eyes with which he gazed towards his father were full of mischief.

Right next to him stood a little eight-year-old girl. The spitting image of his dear wife, minus her grayish-blue eyes, which she had definitely inherited from him. Although the girl was not one of the most emotionally effusive people, she greeted him with a shy smile .

The future I've dreamed of.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang