04: His birthday, My sweat.

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(No one's perspective)

It was March 6th, Ace's 7th birthday. He stayed at home because he didn't feel like going onhis birthday. Not to mention his dad not having enough of gas to drop him and Ace not liking the bus.

He had small party with Ace, his dad and 2 or 3 of his friends.

After the party, he heard the doorbell ring after his friends left.

He opened the door.

(Ash's Perespective)

I was sweating.

What if he doesn't like? What he hates me? What if... There's so many options.

He opened the door and saw my sweaty face with my awkward smile facing him.

"Hey Ash why didn't you come to the party? Are you okay" He asked me.

"Can we talk o-outside.."

We got outside. His face looking at me in full concern.

"Hey what's this?" He pointed at the box and bracelet I had on my wrist.

"Oh.. it's for us. I made for you for your birthday.."

"Oh... THANK YOU SO MUCH ASH I LOVE IT!!" Ace hugged.. well.. sqeezed me as he put the bracelet on.

"Heh you're welcome Ace.."

"But why are you sweaty?" He asked me

"I thought you hated me because when I tried to talk to you, you called me a dork. When I tried to give you your extra lunch money you refuse and when I tried to do ever other usual thing I always do, you bullied me..." I frowned.

Ace puts his hand on my shoulder.

"Ash I could never hate you! You're my friend! Infact, bestfriend. I love you so much I could never!" He hugged me.

"Is it gay to say I love you your bestfriend."

"I dunno." I answered before laughing with him.

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