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(Ace's Perespective)

I was going to school with Raya like I usually do.

She was holding my hand because she's 8 and I can't let her walk alone in the fucking streets of Miami alone.

I feel the grip of her hand getting loose before I heard.

"ACE! HELP!" She was waving her hands as a boy held her shirt collar.

It was one of those kids at my school, Jazon.

"Dude.. cut my sister some slack. She's 8. Let her go." I took Raya's hand but Jazon held her tighter.

"MOTHERFUCKER LET HER GO." I grabbed Raya's hand and dropped her on the floor.

As she drifted down, she saw physically fighting Jazon as he bled down on the floor. Ash came to stop me.

"Stop dude.. You're gonna kill him." He said holding my arm as cleaned my nose.

"Im going home.. Send her ti school.. Tell the teacher I was sick." I ran home and quickly to the sink to barf.

I went to clean my face and saw Jazon everywhere.

It was deserved.

No one bullies my sister but me and my bestfriends.

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