One Day better

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All the guys were grabbing there stuff from the bus. Rob smiled as Mitch's last things got to the house. Ok guys I got something to say I'm going to stay here with Lilly she need me, or someone to take care of her. Rob said look at the guys reaction. Mitch looks confused. Preston calmly asked ok when did you decide that? Um...earlier the afternoon he said. So we're staying here Lachlan ask. If you want you can stay as well I said. Only for tonight, we have to go tomorrow to San Antonio Jerome said. Ok we'll go tomorrow I said. You can't go, you're not part of the pack and you didn't buy a ticket Mitch scoffed. My car, I come I said. Ok vote who wants Lilly to come Rob said. Rob, Vick, Lachlan, Jerome, and I raised our hand. Majority rules Lachlan said. Ok fine, she can come with us Mitch said. Jerome, knocks Mitch upside the head. Stop being such a dick bag, he said. Yah why are you being a dick to Lilly, she's never done anything to you, or anything to us Rob said. Mitch groaned getting up and leaving. Ah he's probably just jealous that you're our center of attention right now Jerome said  going after Mitch. Ah it's ok, I understand it's weird not being the center of attention, my little sister had problems I said thinking about when she was born. Rob rubs my shoulder. He can almost read my thoughts i smirked.

It was about 6 in the evening. I pulled out a few movies. What y'all want to watch I asked. you have avatar Jerome asked. Um... Avatar as the blue cat person, or the boy with the powers I ask. Um...Blue cat people Mitch said. Ok good that's the only avatar I own I said putting the dv in the Than why did you ask about the other one Preston asked. So I don't disappoint anyone I said sitting Jerome. Halfway through the movie I fell asleep. I half woke when Jerome, was carrying me up stairs. After Jerome left I quickly got in to my under armor batman shirt and athletic shorts on and slipped in to bed.
Much later in the night Lachlan came in to my shared room, and fell asleep in my sisters bed. About 3 in the morning, I woke up from a nightmare. I started to cry, I completely forgot that Lachlan was in the room. was just a dream, you're fine, fine, I mumble to myself. It's just a dream that beast isn't going to hurt me or them I mumble wiping away tears.
Um...Lilly are you ok? A voice rang from the dark. Yah yah I fine. I said try to stop the tears. You don't sound find Lachlan said. No I'm fine I said. Yah right, you can sleep with me if you want to tho. Fine I said walking to the other bed across the room. I get in to the bed Lachlan and I didn't have much room it being a twin. Sorry I thought the bed was bigger Lachlan said. No it's fine, I just want to sleep, I said. Oh ok Lachlan said. I turned on my side as to be smaller. Lachlan draped his arm around me, and moved closer. We both fell asleep pretty quickly after that.

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