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Everyone Rob's back! I shouted tears still coming. Lachlan came running downstairs, Mitch and Jerome came from the kitchen, Vick woke up from his nap. Everyone joined our group hug.

Rob and Preston made dinner. We sat down and talk about Our new family. Everyone was excited to be adopting me and living in this small house. Wait we should make some renovation I cut in. Yah it's kinda small in this house with the 8 of us. Lachlan agreed. Yah I'm tired of sleeping on the couch! Vick says. And sound proof walls so we can record all at the same time. Mitch adds.

****time skip (end of building)***

Yay I get my own room! I said as opening a door. Wow! I gasped as I saw my room. The walls are the sky blue, the floor is hard wood with a large white shaggy rug, my bed is dark wood with pure white sheets. Along one wall is pictures of my mother and father, game posters, post card of places I want to go, pictures of horses, band posters, YouTubers posters. Also my hard wood desk, with my own computer and books, dream catchers painted on the walls. My room was perfect!

I turn around to see Rob leaning on the door frame smiling at me. I rushed over to him and wrapped my arms around his torso. Thank you I whisper in to his chest tears threatened to fall. You're welcome baby girl. He whispers in my ear. Tears spill from my eyes. Rob and I stood there talking.

****time skip (next morning)****

I ran to Lachlan's room, just down the hall. I opened the door and ran over to Lachlan's bed. Lachlan... wake up! I shouted. Uh...Wha...t! He said half a sleep. Move over. I whispered. Why...Did you have a nightmare again? Lachlan said while moved over and I grabbed his wrist and pulled me next to him in bed. Yah I was up since midnight. I said pulling up the blanket.

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