Irresistible (That's Harry Styles) Ch.9

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Harry cuddles me from behind, wrapping his arms around my waist. I relax in his arms but do not want to sleep. "I wish I could lay here with you forever." He whispers breaking the silence. I roll over to face him, our faces inches apart. "Me too." I admitted, blushing. He leans in and kisses me softly on the lips. "But we have to get up." He says frowning. I sigh knowing what he means.

Everybody would be coming home soon. I sigh again and start to get up but Harry pulls me in for one last kiss. "Mmmmhhhh." He smiles while his lips are still on mine. When he pulls away I slide out of bed and retrieve all of my clothing. I head to the bathroom to take a quick shower, because my hair is a mess. Turning on the shower I step in, relaxing underneath the warmth of the water.

Hearing the door open I jump, peeking behind the curtains, only to find Harry. He closes the door behind him and steps into the shower with me. "Harry!" I pout. He smiles and kisses me, making me forget everything. He pulls away smirking. "Ugh." I say. Turning around so I'm not facing him. He wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my neck.

"No! Bad boy!" I say, unwrapping his arms and pushing him away from me. He slides and lands on his bum. I laugh so hard, I start crying. "Hey!" Harry says rubbing his butt, still on the ground. I continue laughing, tears streaming down my face. Harry pulls me down with him and I sit next to him giggling. He pulls my face to his and kisses me to make me stop laughing. It works for a minute, but then I keep laughing against his lips. "Dammit!" He says jokingly. Still smiling, I stand up and start washing my hair while Harry watches in fascination.

"What?" I ask smiling. "You're so beautiful." He answers in awe. I blush and continue showering. "Aren't you going to shower?" I ask. He shrugs. I smile and start washing his curls for him. Once I'm done he smiles and says "Aren't you gunna wash my body now?" He wiggles his eyebrows, making me laugh."You're a big boy Harry. You can do it yourself." I smile while rolling my eyes and toss him the bar of soap, which he catches. He pouts. "But-but-" "No buts mister!" I shake my finger at him and start laughing. "I love it when you laugh." He says, standing up.

I smile and wring out my hair before getting out of the shower and drying off. I wrap a towel around me and run downstairs. Thankfully I had brought in one of the bags from my shopping spree with Rachel. I glance at the clock to see that it's five in the morning. I grab my bag and run back upstairs, changing quickly.

Harry gets out of the shower and changes into some black skinny jeans and a white T-shirt. He looks me up and down taking in my new outfit. I had on some new shorts and a pink shirt that hung off one of my shoulders. He smiles and says "You look good." Before kissing me and heading downstairs.

I brush my teeth and hair in the bathroom, throwing my hair up into a messy bun. I examen my forehead and see a cut, but it is hidden underneath my hairline. I jog downstairs to find Harry eating cereal at the table. "Want some?" He mumbles, his mouth full of cereal. "Sure." I say. He swallows and points to a cupboard and saying "The bowls are WAY up there."

I walk over to the cupboard and stand on my tippy toes to reach it. When I open it I only find pots and pans. I hear Harry laughing and I relies I'm wearing short shorts and he has a great view of my ass. "Harry!" I say blushing. He smiles and gets up. He walks over to me and leans his body against mine. "No!" I pout, crossing my arms and looking away from him.

He looks like he's trying his hardest not to laugh at me. He reaches behind me and opens the cupboard, right next to the one that I had opened, and it has bowls in it. I can feel my face turning bright red. He kisses my cheek and pulls out a bowl for me.

"Why isn't anyone home yet?" I ask nervously, trying to change the subject. "I got a text from Niall saying they just decided to stay the night at Liam's house 'cause it was close." "Oh." I said, pouring milk and cereal into my bowl. We ate quietly and finally my curiosity got the best of me. "Did they find Louis?" I ask. "Yeah." He replies. I wait and gesture for him to continue. "He was... Just at a bar." I frown. Louis doesn't usually drink.

"Hey." He says noticing my frown. "It's ok." I try for a smile. "I guess so." I hear my phone ring and jump to get it. "Hello?" I ask into the phone. "Hey." Rachel says. "We need to talk." "About what?" I ask. She pauses. "Louis." "Oh." I say quietly. "We'll be back in about an hour. Then, later tonight, we are ALL going to a pool party. No if, ands, or buts. You're going. It will help take your mind of things." She finishes. I walk into the other room for some privacy.

"How is it supposed to take my mind off things if they are all going to be there? My heart will break if I see Lou again." "Wait..." She said. "Did you-" "I'll talk to you when you guys get here." I say hanging up on her. I turn around to see Harry leaning on the door frame. "Snoop much?" I ask smirking. He tilted his head, pretending to think. "Yes." He answered mimicking my smirk.

"Who was that?" He asked. "Oh, it was just my boyfriend." I smile at him. His face instantly goes into a pout. "Are you jealous?" I ask with a smile tugging at the corner of my mouth. "No." He says crossing his arms. I walk over to him and give him a kiss. "It was Rachel. She said they would be back in about an hour and also, there is a pool party later on tonight." "An hour..." Harry smiles evilly. "What can we do I an hour?" He wiggles his eyebrows.

"Eat ice cream." I say with a wink. I run into the kitchen and grab a container of ice cream out of the fridge and two spoons. Then I brush by Harry and look back sexily before running upstairs, into the room. He follows behind me,smiling. I sit on the bed as he shuts the door behind us. "I like ice cream." He says with a wink.


I hope you guys liked this chapter! ;) please comment if you have any ideas on what will happen next!!! Thanks so much for reading my story! If you comment your story and vote for mine I will read and vote for yours too! Thank you!!! <3 ;P

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