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Here we go............

A person who always believes that everything in the world revolves  practical not as some romcom . He never believed in  soul mate shits and never been in serious relationships too because  he never let his partners hope high , only flings and one night sex. He likes music, rain, pet animals, and offcourse he adores  his two friends TAY and ARM.  And he also have some dislikes like balloons,  racing, being late and as i said earlier being in love  and as a owner of renowned music college he wants everyone and everything to be in perfect way. If he wants something to happen it happens or if he wants something to disappear it disappear. He believed that ' one  can control and plan his/her life no matter what'.
And he's in his early 30's.

A person who  was happy and  cheerful  believed that love soothes every pain until that accident changes everything in his life and himself. Now he hates love , friendship, and even the word trust burns his tongue.
But he have to survive in this world so he taken the job which was referred by his so called guardian his homophobic aunt. She never been good to him because of his sexuality.  But he didn't feel for that because he got habitual of this discrimination. Now his only aim in life is to learn music , to buy a own flat and to led a peaceful life. He works as a barista in a uptown coffee shop. He saves for his future in the hope that one day he will become what he dreams to and he believes 'no one can control or decide thier life no matter what'. And he's is early 25's.

One person likes to control and be perfect
One person lost the hopes in everything but believes in fate.

What happens if these two souls cross paths in thier so called life.
Lets see ....

A soft beautiful vibes of music fills the air, it welcomes the morning sun like a pleasant surprise. A small body which sleeps in the bed peacefully, got waked by the morning sun rays  enters through the curtains which was open. And some one cleared thier throat along with some giggles fills the room.

'Ow close the curtains please i want to sleep a few more minutes '....
Owner of the small body whines while drapping the duvet over thier body..

Still the sun rays and the morning birds chirping hits the room.

'Mom please close the curtains i still have time to get ready '

'No get up shorty it's your first day at music academy and i want my precious son to get ready early comeon wake up'

Saying that Laila takes off the duvet

'Nooooo i need that '  her beautiful  handsome son whines while kicking his legs

'Oh oh bro you are 24 for god sake please behave like that ' an girl voice echoed the whole room

'Huh ok i am  up  and you going to get back for teasing me like that wait amd watch'  he mocks his younger sister and get off from the bed.

Rolling her eyes lizzy leaves the room.

'Easy there tiger don't start early in the morning go and get ready soon' says a rough voice.

'Sure dad'
With a nod his father leaves the room.
Gun really got startled by his father's sudden interruption. He turns to stare his mom who gave him puppy eyes.

'You didn't told me he was here all along, when did he came back,and you guys didn't inform me that '

Gun huffs in irritation.
Laila smiles at her son's childishness and caress the bangs.

Usually Gun strike off when someone dares to touch his hair but  his mom is exceptional.  He really likes the feeling of his mom's hand in his head. It makes his stress to ran off from him, automatically he got his signature smile in his face whenever his mom caress his head or hair.

' i didn't mean to startle you by not saying his return i am  very much excited for your first day at the academy.  Do you know how much i waited for this day to come ' saying that she teared up a little.

'Ohoh mommy don't cry na. Today is very special for us both so nono tears' he wiped her tears filled eyes ,then kissed and hugged her.

'I will make you proud ma,  just wait and watch' gun said after released her from the hug. Suddenly the room become shady and cool, gun felt
like the sun beam which gave the pleasant warmness earlier got replaced by dead cool.
It makes gun's body to tingle and shiver to freeze. He knows what this feeling is, he knows this coolness reminds him of that terrible accident.

' what is it gun why are you  shivering,  oh my god your body become cold what's happening baby talk to me ' laila holds gun's hand and felt the coldness.

'Mom can't you see the sudden weather change in the room. Mom see our room became cool and shady, mom this is not our room can't you see'. Gun got panic and holds his mother's  hand.

' what no what change are you talking about gun there is nothing wrong in this room. See everything is fine,  what happened baby'

'Mom why are you  bleeding ' gun got startled when he sees blood starts running from his mother's head. Just a second ago she was ok but now she was bleeding and her dress got tored up even she had some bruises here and there in her body.

'Get out, escape and save your life gun go. Don't look back go ' all of a sudden his mother shouts are pushes him from the bed. Gun landed on the ground with a thud and whimpering 'mom no ma ma' and a long dreadful train sound fills the room.

Gun screamed to no-one to stop the train sound which is increasing minute by minute...



' wake up you idiot i know you are in there wake up and settle my money i don't have all day '  someone shouts and banged the room door.

'Maaa' .....'maaaa'...
Gun  once again landed in the ground and this time it feels like real because his ass got bumped heavily.

' shit this pains a lot ' saying that gun opened his eyes to see the all familiar shady grey painted apartment ceiling.

'How many times should i dream about that exact situation again and again  shit why this is  happening to me ' he asked to himself because he had no one to share his ups and downs.

The banging sounds got increased along with some cursed words. Gun sighs closing his eyes and calmed  down himself because even that was a dream the train sound keeps ringing in his ears.

' calm down gun gun calm down everything is gonna be okay just breathe in out in out' after relaxing himself gun got up from the ground, picks up the paper cover from the drawer and goes to open the door to face his daily routine.

' how long should i wait here , don't you have any manners,  can't you hear that i am shouting and banging the door for almost ten minutes '  Emilia  his so called egoistic aunt rants out at him.

'Ah sorry for the trouble aunt emy i crash in after a long rough day yesterday so i slept long ' gun answered honestly because that is the truth he works at the coffee shop which is quite popular on the town so there is no rest especially for one particular barista who makes most delicious coffee which  is none other than Our Gun.

'Haan haan keep your excuses for someone who doesn't know about your crazy dreams ' saying that she snatches the paper cover from gun's hand and stomps away after giving him her most disgusting look.

Gun sighs heavily closed the door shaking his head. He went back to his room to arrange the bed and get ready for the day.
While in the shower he smiles bitterly  "'mom she knows about my ...about this dreams but she didn't comforted me mom why why this is all happening to me why, why the hell you all left me mom why why me"'  he laughed again but now the water washed off his tears from his cheeks without any trace.

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