Bitter sweetness!

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I looked to the ocean
And wished for joy
I watched the ebb and flow
They reminded me of you
Back and forth they go
Just like, you

You draw me in
You make me happy
You make me smile
You make me laugh
You make me dream
You make me pray

I pray for a life
Forever, with you
I plan it out
All in my head
I live it out
It tastes bitter

A sourness creeps in
While I bask in your love
Doubts can't be shaken
When you give me a reason
I can't believe I never saw
I was too blinded indeed

It was always there?
Your restlessness
Your need for more?
I didn't see
Now I question every moment
Everything we shared

Why am I not enough?
It's a question I won't ask
I, am enough
You, just need more
I know it all
But still, I don't say a word

I'm tired of fighting
I'm tired of being second best
I'm tired of waiting
I'm tired of forgiving
I'm tired of disappointment
I'm just freaking tired

I didn't sign up for this
I don't have to share
I deserve your full attention
I deserve your complete affection
I deserve to be loved
I deserve, better than this

I overlook these things
Afraid of unsettling the cart?
Fear of being tossed for good?
No, I'm taking what's mine
Until, I've had enough
Enough of, your, bitter sweetness!

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