No longer burning bright!

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The Sun goes downThe Moon comes outThe glowing heart fadesSimmering below the surface Only embers remain on the outside Love faded

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The Sun goes down
The Moon comes out
The glowing heart fades
Simmering below the surface
Only embers remain on the outside
Love faded

Gone are the days when you eagerly awoke
I was the first thought in your head
You never gave me a break
Needed my attention
Constantly in my space
I loved your eagerness

I was on a high
Head in the clouds
Never without a smile
I was loved
I loved you back
With a fierceness, I never felt before

Nothing penetrated nor touched
The euphoria flowing within me, steadily glowed
I was loved
I felt so special
I was loved
More than I expected

Those days, are fresh in my mind
Those wonderful days of ecstasy
Love was fresh
Happiness felt blessed
I was finally alive
My turn had come

There was nothing I wouldn't do
Nothing I wouldn't say
Just to see you smile
Nothing I wouldn't give
To make sure, you were okay
Nothing at all

Was it all one sided?
Was it just a game for you?
Why did you pursue me?
Why did you make me fall?
Why did you choose me?
Why? When you felt nothing at all!

You said the right words
You did the right things
You were perfect, in every way
You were my knight in armor
Come, to save me from my misery
Yes you were

I was never enough
I never will be
But I am not helpless
I never was
I don't need a love that is forced
I don't need a lie

I am enough, for me
I will always be free
My heart may die
My body will live
Even though, you broke me in two
Even though, your light, is no longer burning bright!

Poems from the Heart 6Where stories live. Discover now