'Til the sun comes up

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Y/n walk out of the barracks in her citizen clothes. She's filled with the anticipation of going home to her actual bed and she can't wait to get home. She so tired from missions. She looks down at her phone when she bump into something and out of instinct she pulls back and punches whoever it is in the gut.

He lets out a surprised grunt as he falls down and gasps for air.

"Ow- What was that for," He asks. Oh shit its König.

"Im so sorry I didn't mean to do that," She says cupping her mouth.

"It's fine," He says and gets back up.

"So um König would you like to go for a coffee sometime so I can make up for that," She says awkwardly and scratch the back of her neck.

"Hmm... yeah, I think I would. How often do you get days off? I know that we'll be busy on ops so it might be tough finding a good time. You want to trade numbers?," He responds. He's already reaching over to his tac-pack, looking ready to pull out his phone.

"Yeah sure. I have next week off so I'll be at my apartment off base for awhile," She says.

He smiles.

"Ok, here's my number," He says. She reaches for her phone and puts his number in.

He types in her name, then turns his phone around and hands it to her. She puts her number in and gives it back.

"What do you like to do in your free time," He asks.

Without thinking words come out of her mouth.

"You," She says and cups her hands on her mouth. Y/n's cheeks burn red. "I am so sorry."

He blushes a little.

"Well, I didn't see that coming. I guess your moves are pretty effective, huh," He says.

She just accidentally hit on him but he doesn't seem to mind in the slightest bit.

"Almost always," She says.

"Almost always? Well now I'm curious about those times it doesn't work. What happens when it doesn't work," He says laughing.

"Oh I was joking I get what I want pretty easy," She responds.

He grins and nods before responding. "Alright, so it's an almost guaranteed yes when you ask? Just need to figure out what your type is,"He says and winks. He winked at her. He smirks and laughs.

"Oh I like my men big and tall," She replies coyly.

"I'm definitely tall but... big? In height or width?," He says as he flexes his muscles. She can't help but laugh at him he's adorable.

"So you think that you're my type huh," She retorts. He smiles and speaks again.

"We're gonna have to see about that," König. His eyes twinkle a little bit and she can tell he's smiling from his eyes. "Well, I can't turn down a pretty face, so I'd say you're my type too. Are you single or do I have some competition?"

"I'm single," She responds.

"You're definitely my type, so that gives you a pretty good advantage." He smiles. " Hmm, so what's your idea of the perfect date? Dinner? Movies?," He is still smirking. This is the most she's ever heard him talk.

"A movie night in with a good home cooked meal and snacks is good with me," She responds.

"Ooh. Do you like ones that are really scary? I'm always trying to find a good horror to scare the pants off me - those are the best kind. Or do you kinda like those campy movies that are more goofy? We could get some snacks, cozy up, and binge watch a bunch of them," He says. It's funny to imagine the giant König scared of a simple film.

Smut so much smutHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin