Chapter 3: The Power of Words

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Why do humans speak ill of each other?

Do they not consider their words before speaking?

Do they not consider what will happen after?

Why let anger or jealousy control them?

Do they not care for each other?

There is always a saying in our family tree:

"Words can hurt deeper than a sharp thorn."

Those who always say bad things are the ones who are first to be plucked.

Verbal abuse and bullying can cause significant harm to individuals.

Sometimes, people do not realize the impact their words can have on others.

And it can lead to severe consequences.

Just a single word can be enough to cause irreversible damage to someone's emotional well-being.

Harming others through hurtful words can lead to self-loathing and dissatisfaction with one's life.

Venting frustration on others may provide temporary relief.

But it's never justified to cause physical or emotional harm to someone else.

It is never acceptable to hurt others physically or emotionally.

Verbal abuse will never make one superior to others.

It only reflects one's weakness and cowardice.

This behavior shows a lack of empathy and respect toward others.

It will only lead to violence and chaos.

Using negative words toward others is not a source of pride but rather a reflection of one's own weakness.

Such behavior only leads to personal losses, such as damaged relationships and


People who constantly spread negativity often have a weak mindset.

Lacks the ability to empathize and communicate effectively.

Once spoken, words cannot be taken back, and their impact can have long-lasting consequences.

When hurtful words are spoken, they can cause regret, grief, and suffering for both the speaker and the receiver.

Trust can be shattered in an instant, and rebuilding it can take a lot of time and effort.

Words are like burning balls of lava that can inflict deep and lasting wounds on those who are targeted.

Every time they are hurled at someone, they leave scars that are difficult to heal.

The power of words lies not in the words themselves but in the intentions and emotions behind them.

Perhaps humans are created in this manner.

Creatures with flaws

They are all designed with their own unique set of imperfections.

They possess purity and strong emotions that shape their being.

Yet they are capable of growing and learning from every mistake they make.

Striving to become the best version of themselves

This self-improvement journey is what makes humans an inspiring and accepting species.


Words possess the power to heal just as much as they can harm.

Words are also like healing balms.

They have the ability to soothe and comfort in difficult times.

Kind and compassionate words, full of empathy and support, can act as emotional bandages that heal wounds and bring people together.

It can renew the ability to trust and connect with others.

A word of encouragement can renew someone's faith.

Rekindle relationships and introduce hope and optimism to those who are struggling.

It is important to recognize when someone is in need of encouraging words.

It can make a significant difference in their well-being.

As it can help to fill the emptiness in one's heart. Even change their perspective on life.

Healing takes time; it is important to remember that nothing, not even pain or wounds, lasts forever.

One of the best pieces of advice I can offer is to practice forgiveness and apologize when necessary.

When we say, "I apologize and forgive you,"

We can transform hatred into love.

It takes strength and humility to admit when we are wrong and seek forgiveness, but the benefits are immeasurable.

When you hold grudges and resentment, it's like carrying a heavy burden that stops you from fully enjoying life.

Letting go and extending forgiveness can bring peace and healing.

Apologizing and forgiving show that you're emotionally intelligent and able to admit when you're wrong.

It is a sign of inner strength, not weakness.

Kindness is a powerful asset that can transform the world around us, and it should not be looked down upon.

Rather than being a weakness, it is a strength that requires courage and compassion.

By showing kindness to others, we can create a positive wave effect that can make our world a more beautiful and harmonious place.

So, don't let anyone convince you that being kind is a weakness.

Instead, embrace kindness as a weapon to spread love and make a difference in the lives of those around you.

Every word has an opposite, so it is essential to choose positive words.

Whether it's through your language, your life, or your actions, the power of positivity is surreal.

Even in the middle of conflict, we can always make the choice for peace.

Seeking harmony takes bravery and persistence, but the results are worth it.

The impact of words lies in the hands of those who speak them.

Only those who understand the weight of their words can use them wisely and effectively.

I am just a humble leaf who aimlessly wanders in the wind.

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