Chapter 4: A Life Sent On

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I once had a pet caterpillar.

Her name is Pebbles.

She has a brightly colored body and a pearl-white head.

Whenever she crawled on me, it felt like she was biting into my flesh and causing me immense pain.

Although I knew that my leaves would eventually regenerate

The agony is so intense that I couldn't help but scream at the top of my lungs.

Strangely enough, despite the discomfort she caused me,

She always had a pleasant attitude while "feeding."

It was a unique experience to have Pebbles crawl only on me, considering the abundance of leaves in my family tree.

However, I found comfort in her constant companionship, and never once did I voice any complaints.

Our quiet moments together were filled with a sense of harmony and a deepening connection that brought me joy.

Although it hurt when Pebbles fed on me, I could sense her affection and yearning with each visit.

It was as if she couldn't wait to spend time with me again, and that thought alone made my heart beat with affection.

With each crawl, the pain slowly gave way to a ticklish sensation that sent shivers down my spine.

Our physical contact felt so invigorating and fulfilling that I couldn't help but feel whole when she was around.

And though the pain was real, seeing the happiness in Pebbles' eyes made it all worthwhile.

As the days passed,

I couldn't help but feel a sense of sorrow, knowing that our happiness would not last forever.

I watched as Pebbles began to build her cocoon, knowing that our time together was coming to an end.

The beautiful memories we shared felt heavy in my heart, causing an internal struggle in my mind.

I was at a loss for words to express the deep sadness I felt as our bond slowly came to a bittersweet conclusion.

I am filled with an indescribable rage as a million questions swirl inside my head.

"Why is she leaving me so soon?"

"Why doesn't she consider my feelings?"

"Why can't she just stay a little longer?"

"Why did she have to go now?"

The anger and frustration inside me are more intense than the pain of being consumed.

It's like a wildfire burning inside of me, fueled by intense emotions of anger and frustration.

My heart feels like a raging inferno, hotter than the pain of losing Pebbles.

Maybe it's because our bond was so strong and the memories of our good times together are cherished, intensifying the depth of my feelings.

As I wait for her transformation, a sense of dread consumes me.

The thought of her leaving feels like a sharp, twisting pain in my gut as if I'm losing someone irreplaceable.

I realize it's pointless to hold onto her as if I'm counting down the moments until we inevitably part ways.

Every time I remember her, the bite marks on my body throb with a painful ache, the only reminder of our time together.

Though it was difficult, I had to come to terms with the fact that Pebbles was destined to become a beautiful butterfly.

It was a natural progression of life, and as much as it pained me to see her go, I couldn't help but feel a sense of acceptance.

I sent her my best wishes since I couldn't do anything.

As she is emerging from her cocoon, my heart sinks with each passing moment.

Tears streamed down my face, blurring my vision like a never-ending downpour.

It felt like a part of me was being taken away, and I longed to close my eyes and escape the pain.

But I kept them open, even as she spread her wings and took flight, desperate to catch a final glimpse of her vibrant new form.

As I watched her soar toward the setting sun, my heart felt heavy with sorrow.

Despite wearing a smile on my face and projecting a sense of pride, deep down,

I knew that her departure marked the end of a special chapter in my life.

I couldn't help but think about the times when I had taken care of her, feeding her and watching her grow.

It was bittersweet to see her leave, knowing that our time together had come to an end.

My heart sank as she soared away without a single glance in my direction.

The pain of being rejected, despite all my hard work, threatened to consume me.

It felt as though an invisible enemy was tearing apart my very being, leaving me feeling hollow and incomplete.

"I want to die."

That is the only thing that comes to mind.

I was always there for her whenever she needed me.

Yet she was nowhere to be found when I needed her.

She never even said goodbye.

As if my efforts and emotions were of no importance to her.

As the memories of her faded over time,

I could still picture her vividly in my mind—a petite creature with glowing

Her wings displayed a multitude of hues, including a striking emerald green on the upper part.

I couldn't be more pleased that a gentle butterfly flies in my distinctive hue.

I felt grateful to have been a part of her journey.

I wish I could see her again one more time... as I aimlessly wander in the wind.

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