Figure, Seek, hide, and shadow

107 7 3

Figure - sick

Seek - cooking chicken soup

Hide - Seek what you doing

Seek - making soup

Hide - why?

Seek - cuz I can

Hide - but why?

Seek - cuz Figure is sick

Hide - oh?

Seek - what?

Hide - can you make extra?

Seek - why?

Hide - shadow somehow got sick

Seek - sure

Figure -asleep

Seek - wake up figure 

Figure - ?

Seek - I got you food

Figure - thank you seek

Seek - your welcome

(Meanwhile with Hide and shadow)

Hide - shadow!

Shadow - ?

Hide - Seek made you soup

Shadow - Seek's cooking sucks

Hide - eat the soup it would help

Shadow - No! His cooking sucks and he has no taste

Hide - you know he doesn't have taste buds right?

Shadow - wait he doesn't?

Hide - you didn't know?!?

Shadow - Is that why his food is bad

Hide - no

Seek - I heard all that

Shadow - ...

Hide - seek please

Seek - your lucky because I have to care for figure after you got him sick and your dating my younger brother 

Shadow - wait you guys are brothers?!?

Seek - you're an idiot

Shadow - no

Seek - bye!

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