Harry battles two men in one body

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Harry was loving his new Christmas presents. He had fished out part of the giant squid then apologised. He had eaten loads of chocolate. He had been sneaking around the castle at night. It started out innocently. Kind of. He want to prank someone and was exploring random classrooms. He had got into a bit of trouble at first when Peeves was around. Poltergeists can sense presences or so it seemed. But his latest find was the best. It was a mirror in a classroom. But it showed Harry stood with his family and his parents. His aunt and uncle were laughing. Dudley was playing with Adam and Hedwig. His parents were looking over him. It was quite magical. Harry got a bit... obsessed. Hermione was fretting about his sleep schedule. Ron wanted in on whatever he was doing. Malfoy told him that he looked all pasty and like death had stolen his soul. But Harry liked the mirror. Until somebody RuINeD that for him. Professor Dumbledore had met Harry there one night and explained everything. Mirror of Erised, greatest desire, pair of socks, being moved, blah blah, blah. So that was why Harry's sleep schedule was back on track. Disappointingly. But Harry still had his Polaroids of the mirror to remember it by.


There had been a break in at Gringotts. So much for safest bank in the world. The perpetrator did not get anything but he broke into a certain vault that Hagrid had mentioned visiting. Him, Ron and Hermione eventually got the fact out of Hagrid that whatever was in there belonged to Nicholas Flamel. They had spent several weeks trying to research him to no avail. They had mentioned one word of it to Malfoy. "The guy who made the Philosophers stone and is friends with Dumbledore?". Harry had frowned. "The what?". Malfoy rolled his eyes. "Do you know nothing Potter. The stone that gives people semi-immortality." "Oh. Would he entrust it to Dumbledore?" Malfoy looked constipated. "Probably. Dumbledore often gets his way." Harry grinned. "Great. Thanks. Bye!" "Wait, Potter. Potter. Potter, what was that about? Potter!"


Hagrid had a baby dragon. Called Norbert. Which was very illegal according to Ron. Hermione said that they needed to get rid of it. Ron said his brother could take Norbert. Harry thought they were both being spoilsports and that a dragon at Hogwarts would be sick. Everyone was RuINinG things for Harry this year. Alas they had just snuck Norbert to Charlie's friends and were heading back down the tower when Malfoy found them. He was leaning against the doorway and immediately launched into complaints. "I knew you guys were doing something fun. I need fun too. I can help!" McGonagall walked round the corner. They all had 100 house points taken off them each and given detention.

They had to go into the Forbidden Forest. Harry loved the word forbidden. But alas Hagrid had to be there too. Boo. Ron and Hermione were sent off one way with Hagrid. Malfoy and Harry went with Fang. Malfoy turned to Harry. "Scared, Potter?" "You wish Malfoy." They headed off into the woods to look for a unicorn killer. When they found the cloaked figure, they were over a dead unicorn drinking it's blood. So probably the unicorn killer. Malfoy screamed and sent up red sparks as instructed. The figure launched at them. The two boys were swept up by a centaur who brought them to a safer part of the Forbidden Forest. His name was Firenze and he knew Hagrid. Harry described what they saw. Hagrid looked concerned. Hermione looked like she knew the answer but could not say because adults. Hagrid dismissed the four kids and they headed back to the castle. Hermione turned to them as soon as they were out of earshot. "Unicorn blood!" Ron looked at her. "What?" "It is used to extend life and grant temporary immortality." Harry looked at them. "Like the Philosophers Stone! They're linked. That's what's under the trapdoor. Bet it's Voldemort. And the cursed broom. Snape is helping him! " Everyone but Harry shuddered. Malfoy still looked confused and decided to leave the Gryffindors to their chaos.


Dumbledore had left the castle for some reason. The trio knew that now was when the dark lord would strike. They snuck down the stairs to the common room. It should have been deserted. It wasn't. Neville shot up from his seat. "I-I knew you three would be up to something. I won't let you lose us anymore house points. I won't let you past!" He put his fists up. Hermione sighed. "Oh, Neville. I am so sorry. Petrificus Totalus!" Neville's stiff body fell to the floor. The trio ran past dragging something behind them.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2023 ⏰

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