over explaining areas. and my fat cat

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im using personal pronouns but i promise i have never been in this situation before swear down 😡

6:00 am. i awaken to my cat making biscuits on my stomach (fat fucking cunt) so i SHOVE HIS ASS off (thats the most excerise he will ever get the fatass). i get up (sit up) (because ima. lazy shit) and contemplate my life and decision of getting a cat for about 5-7 minuets and then ACTUALLY get off my cat hair infested bed. i dont brush my teeth because im the depressed main character. i get dressed and wear normal little baggy black jeans and a very baggy shirt because i am a 23 year old boy and i am boring like that :3.
a post-it-note on my very long wide mirror makes me remember i need to head to the grocery stoe to get groceries (what fucking else its. a grocery store). i shove my £99 sketchers on (no socks) and head out my door, forgetting to lock it because i am braindead.
the area i live in is quite remote. i live by myself in a tiny house, and half my rent money goes to my cats stomach because hes a fat tosser and always wants food. it being a remote area, there is plenty of trees about, i need to walk through a forrest to get to the grocery store. its quite close, no use bringing a car, which is good because i dont own one. my cat consumes half of the money i have ever own in my whole entire life.
as i am walking to the store, i notice one in peticular (mind my spelling i have the mental capacity of a 4 year old who drinks battery acid and eats his own shit). this is not normal for me. i see trees every day. all of them are the same or different but still havw that same feeling to them.
theres a green tree.
another green tree.
more green trees.
all of them are green every single fucking one is green
but this was a different green, it kind of, spoke to me. it made me feel like i was going to be okay. it made me feel safe.
i got distracted. i became mesmerised by this stunning tree that i had then forgoteen all about the groceries and the more groceries.
upon closer inspection, i had figured out it wasnt the tree that made mt heart throb, it was a leaf.
a singular leaf..

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