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shes torn.
at the top right of her delicate body (a literal leaf), there was a rip.
i hurt her.
she is hurt and it is all because of me. .....
i started panicking and i like jumped up and flipped out and i shouted "WRHHTHTNTBTBT" bevwuse i was fucking freaking out j almsot shit myself on gods name

i decided i needed to take Calipo awwy from me. away from yhe MONSTER i had becum. i gently wiped off the excess cum off her to not cause anothe rrapture, i sjoved on my clothes AS SOON AS PISSABLE and ran outside

i slipped over my splat fat cat while running out my front door because he covered half of my fucking driveway the obese tossa

i ran back to the tree she came from, the tree i had stolen her from, her home.
i didnt deserve to be with her, i will never deserve to be with her.
she gave more than i could ever repay.
the full 10 minutes ago we met was the best 10 minutes of my life, but i knww i couldnt keep her. i shouldve known it this whole time. this whole 10 minuets.
i stood underneath the tree i abruptly stole her from. i looked up,
i looked at the lonely twig who was now missing a leaf. my selfish tendencies, my narcissism, will leave this tree damaged forever. i cannot glue Calipo on, i cannot tape her on, i cannot put it back and even if i did it would never be the same. there would always be somehting wrong.
if i did, if i tape her on, a passer by would not know. a passer by would not notice the difference as it would look the same as it always was, it would be the same for them, it would not affect them, they will walk by this tree and they will never notice that it will not be the same again, a part of it has been taken, even though i wouldve been given back it will never continue to be what it was 11 minutes ago.

having knowing this i put the leaf on the ground right next to the tree, i placed some fallen twigs on it yo make sure it would not blow away.

i put the leaf down and i went to the grocery store

based off a true story.

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