chapter 2: the students arrival and a surprise

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Years later Lî Xingchen, as the oldest son of the Lî family, leaves his home to study at the Bao school. He wears the white robe of Lî family and the typical blue colour around the waist. His Lî family is known for their great knowledge and skills of memorizing as their are an librarian family.
He keeps an stick with him, hitting the ground, helping him along the way, like a blind one, and yes, he was blind, at least at one of his eyes. But his face was so handsome and all in all he was a beautiful man of high status, an eye patch would ruin his face like an scar. People would have a question mark in their eyes if they saw him going around with the stick, but he mastered an trick only he knew about. He would only use his stick to help him, when no body was watching, but when they did, he kept it on his side like an sword. The stick wasn't long or big at all, small and short, but hard to break, just like Lî Xingchens temper.
He is the first one to arrive at the Bao school, but waits at the gate, as the other future students arrive.
Wei Hao-Yu, the one with the unusual name, of Wei family. His robes are from orange and yellow colours, leaving him with the look of the rising sun, his skin pure and gentle like the morning breeze. His family is of noble status, a good beast hunter family. He arrives as the second student at the Bao school gate, where he tries to speak with Lî Xingchen, but as soon as the topic targets Lî Xingchens blindness, Xingchen gets mute, refusing to say anything anymore.
Chen Mengfu and his younger sister Chen Liling of Chen family, wearing the blue robes of their cultivator family.
Chen Mengfu is about to attend at Bao school, but the school prefers men over women as students, even though they face their first female teacher in Chinas history. So Chen Liling can only accompany her brother and live with him at the Bao school, but she will be with the other Bao girls and woman, while her brother learns, and sees him whenever he's back. They arrive after Lî Xingchen and Wei Hao-Yu, the blind one, and the one with the unusual name.
Gao Li Jun of Gao family wears grey with a silver lining of an butterfly at the back. He comes from the all known herbalist family of Gao.
As he arrives at the gate of Bao school he's happy to see some familiar faces and, to be honest, that he even has found the place. He has a terrible sense of direction and a terrible memory, but he doesn't show it. He keeps an straight face and cool look, like nothing happened, and like an older sibling you look at. With the cool look and the straight face he looks rather spiritually and grownup. The other students respect him immediately after they get to have a look at him.
Kim Zanjin of Kim family arrives late as the last of the six, his red and golden robe dirty of earth and mud. As he arrives the other students eyes open widely (except Lî Xingchen) as surprised to see him with the dirt all over his clothes.
Gao Li Jun immediately said: "forgive me, but you look terrible! What happened?", and Kim Zanjin answers: "Oh nothing! Nothing! I just slipped and felt. I am a bit clumsy, but it was just that accident and it will never happen again!".
Kim Zanjin wears a nervous smile, his body languages speaks of shyness and innocence like a little child, even though he is a bit taller then Gao Li Jun, who raises an eyebrow.
"But you can't enter Bao school like that! That's disrespectful!", Gao Li Jun says, more worried than expected, which leads Wei Hao-Yu to interfere and stop Gao Li Juns from being to mean.
"We should knock now and enter Bao school, they wait! You can clean explain and clean yourself after that. The school will forgive you and except you as you are!".
Kim Zanjins face lights up, he says: "Oh thank you! Thank you very much! Yes, we should do like you said!".
All of them students, arriving at nearly the same time, entering the building together as a colourful group.
But before they can reach out further, they're interrupted by a heat discussion. A man and a woman argue about something. Apparently the man doesn't allow the woman to enter the school building behind the man, even though she already gave him her papers to read.
The woman stays calm, but Gao Li Jun recognizes both their black robes with the flowers at first, running towards her, kneeling on the ground a few feet away from her. "Laoshi!". This forces the other future students to join him. Apparently Gao Li Jun thinks the man to be their teacher in the future.
But instead the woman named Bao Xianhui turns her head, gazing a look on the five young men and the one woman. Chen Mengfu had helped Lî Xingchen to get to the ground kneeling, who apparently cannot see right. The girl, who is with Chen Mengfu kneels too, even though she doesn't really have to. She wears white over her blue robe, and a head piece in her hair in combination with her brownish and light green eyes like soft earth sprinkled with grass.
Bao Xianhui faces the nameless man again, with who she had an argument. "Is this proof enough?", she says. It does proof enough, that she is indeed the female teacher she was talking about the whole time. As far as Gao Li Jun relies that, he turns to her, and so do the other students, lowering the head even more for forgiveness because of his mistake.
The nameless man, grinding his teeth, gives back Bao Xianhuis papers and leaves angrily.
"Get up!", her voice is harsh but soft, like the voice you would expect from a teacher to come, a guidance along the way.
Her students stand up, but their heads lowered, their arms together.
"What does hurt more?", Bao Xianhui asked. "Get humiliated by strangers or your very own clan members?".
Lî Xingchen raises an eyebrow, knowing how she must feel now.
He was left behind since he were a little child, humiliated on both the streets by strangers and at home by his cousins and further relatives for his bad eyesight. He fought back, but it only hurt more, so he left in his sadness and started showing his emotions to nearly nobody, except the people he trusted the most.
"The last one.", he answered, getting a nod from Bao Xianhui.

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