☁Turtles x babysitter!reader☁

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Y/n pov

It has been at least 9 years Since I last saw the boys and I miss them like heck I don't know what happened to them or if they're okay cause right after I stop watching them because of issues I kind of just lost contact with you I don't know where they are and I miss them a whole lot Cause if there's a sign That can lead me to them I would give anything just to see them again because I miss my little boys.

Leo pov

"Hey, guys do you know where we put the tape?" I said "Oh I don't know do you know where it is nardo?" said Donnie Being sarcastic as usual "Donnie all he is doing is asking a question no need to be so rude," said Raph "I'm not being rude I'm just being realistic," said Donnie, "I think we put it in the drawer, Leo," said Mikey Being a helpful brother "Okay thank you Mikey " "Is that supposed to mean something to me nardo cause it doesn't," said Donnie "No I was just being my regular self thank you very much" "OK gay boy" " OH SHUT THE FUCK UP " "Can you guys not curse around Mikey he is 13," said Raph " raph you are a little bit too late for that," said Mikey "You guys been cursing around Mikey!?" "Uh yeah, what else?"

Mikey pic

As I was walking away from those 3 arguing I walk into the kitchen to see if I can find something to snack on Until I see a picture on the refrigerator that I'd been seeing for quite a while now so thought I was gonna ask Dad about it


"Hey, Dad can I ask you a question?" I said, "Yes what is it orange?" "Mikey 's with this picture on the fridge'causeee I don't think I trust my drawings are this bad," I said la Confused Dad look closely at the picture his eyes wide in but why "Dad Are you okay?" "How long has that been up in the fridge?" "I don't know it's just been there I don't know how long it's been there where did you find this?" " I didn't find that you guys drew that " " WHAT You're telling me my handwriting was that bad when did we draw this looks old and who is y/n?" "Oh well y/n You guys babysitting when I was away" "Babysitter we had a babysitter and she saw this whole turtle thing!?" "Yes Angelo," said Dad "Why didn't you tell us about thisthisortant thing in our life how could you keep this from us " "Well after I lost contact with them I kind of just let loose and just wanna show you guys to them anymore " "But why did you not tell us about this" " After the incident with this whole thing happening I sort of didn't feel safe around her anymore so I just left a pic of paper on her table deleted her number from my phone and just never talk to again" "So I have to return to a rat you didn't wanna see them anymore" "No wasn't because I'm Rat It was because of baron drax He threatened to kill them if I didn't stay away from them because well You know Lou Jujitsu and he will kill any close friend in mine," said dad "So when can we see them again?" "You know the Drax is nice now I guess you can see them again" "Actually for real!?" "Of course, I shouldn't keep you guys awake from somebody that you love" "Thanks Dad you're the best"


"Pack your bags guys we're gonna go see somebody" I said But they all looked at me like I was crazy "Mikey you have a phone just call April you don't have to pack" said Leo "Not april Leo our old baby sitter " "Miguel I'm gonna say this to you we do not have the babysitter cause 1 we are turtles 2 how in 4 hells would we have a babysitter You know with us being turtles and all" "Well we did have a babysitter 9 years ago" "Michael what do you know about 9 years ago You were 4 I was 7 Donnie was 7 raph was 8 " "Yeah you should have at least some memories" "You're not going" said Leo "I'm gonna have to bring on Leo on this 1 which I'm going to regret but sorry Michael" said Donnie "Sorry Mikey I don't believe you" said raph "How come you guys don't believe me I have proof" "Mikey that picture is been up there for years we aren't even sure that's ours"said Leo "Well if you guys don't believe me then I'll go by myself" I aid and walk back to where dad is "Milky wait" "Let him go narda let him go"


"Hey, Dad do you know where they live" "Are the others going with you" "No they don't believe me so when I go by myself but if they do exist can I bring them here to prove my point?" "Okay if that's okay with them though Here is the route to their house be safe out there orange"
"I will bye"


Y/n pov

As I was tidying up my house I started to feel a little bit uneasy like I'm being watched can you look around to see if I am being watched not which is good So I just continue cleaning till I hear a knock at my back door instead of my front door? As I walk to my back door I see someone I have never thought I see again "Mikey is that you?"

As I was tidying up my house I started to feel a little bit uneasy like I'm being watched can you look around to see if I am being watched not which is good So I just continue cleaning till I hear a knock at my back door instead of my front door? ...

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"Yes I'm Michelangelo But call me Mikey are you y/n?" "Yes yes I am" Before I know it he jumps on me and hugs me hard "I missed you so much" " I missed you too Mikey you have no idea "

2 hours later

Leo pov

"Hey guys do you think Hey guys do you think Mikey is been out for too long it's been 2 hours," I said "Yeah he has been out for too long do you think we are a little bit too harsh on him?" said Donnie "Yeah I mean we were o harsh on the little guy," said Raph "Donnie does he have his track on?" " Yes he does let's go"

Time skip

As we jump from building to building we see his tracker stops at this little house very small comfortable house "This is where his tracker stopped he has to be in here" said Donnie "How do we get inside?" Said Raph "Maybe we can knock on the door, I said "Yeah like we're stupid nardo" As we jump down to go knock on the door I feel weird like d  here before As I knock on the door I hear footsteps coming towards the door it's my surprise Mikey opens the door "You guys came you finally made believe me," he said "I wouldn't say that we believe you but we're here to see if you're OK" "Well come inside somebody wants to say hello" as Mikey steps out the way a very nice looking person walks out "Oh my gosh," they said " Guys this is our old babysitter y/n," Mikey said "so we had a babysitter, said Donnie "Yeah I was your babysitter mainly when Lou is not here," they said "Well let us introduce ourselves I'm-" " Leonardo Raphael Donatello Michelangelo No need to introduce yourself I already know your name I used to babysit you guys " "Oh right hehe," said Raph

Y/n pov

"Why don't you guys come inside we have a lot of catching up to do"  As the boys walk inside my home it just makes me feel so warm inside to have my boys back with me

'I miss this feeling so much there was an empty hole in my heart but now it's filled back up with the love from my boys'

Thank you 💁🏾‍♀️ Avilez70 for the request

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