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Detention came sooner than hoped for and I begrudgingly made my way to Mr. Brunner's classroom. When I opened the door his head snapped up, his eyes seeming lost and looking. When they found they calmed, but flared more ferociously.

"Come in, sit down, and do your homeowrk. You can leave at 4:30." He isntructed. I nodded and walked in. I jumped however when I found Leo sitting in the classroom by himself. He looked up and smiled at me. I stopped in between two desks, debating whether to sit next to him or not. My question was answered when I was pulled into the seat next to Leo by the strap of my bag.

I looked at Leo wide-eyed and he only chuckled.

"Do you have the Marine Biology Home Work?" He asked, giving me puppy eyes. I scoffed.

"I'm beginning to think you're only using me for my homework!" I teased. He smiled and shook his head as I handed it to him.

"SSHH!" Mr Brunner warned us pressing a finger to his lips sharply. I rolled my eyes and stuck out my tongue. Then I pulled my eyelid down and made stupid faces at hm. "What on earth are you doing Miss Crosby?"

I shrugged in response. "Sorry, I thought we were all making stupid faces." I retorted calmly. He flinched but turned his attention back to his paper work.

It was 4:00 now, Leo and I had been silenly goofing off, flinging bits of paper and notes at each other. One note hit my forearm as I had calmed down enough to finish up my homework. I unfolded the paper and read,

-Girl, you got balls standin up to a teacher like that. I give u credit for that. *_*

I coughed, hiding a laugh at his, unique, choice of words. I scribbled down on that peice of paper and threw it back at him, hitting his nose, he scrunched it cutely.

*Thanks, but i just dont like to take sh!t from anybody and i had just met my end with him. =P

-But still, it's Mr BRUNNER.

*Your point?

-idk he's just, like I get a real weird vibe from him, ye kno?

*i Guess soo, I mean what teacher isn't weird around here?

-true...very true...

*Lol so what are you gonna be doin this weekend?

-well, I'm actually goin to a party at the bay, you wanna go?

I blinked. Did Leo seriously just ask me to go to a party?

*Yeah! But I don't have any way of getting there, and my grandma ill have a fit about me going near the water.

-I'll take you. i'll just text you when i'm on my way.

*excuse me mr stalker but you don't have my number!

-but you have mine now.

I looked below his note and saw he had written a number along the bottom line of his previous note. I snickered and folded the note slipping it into my back pocket.

"Mr Sanders, you can leave early, but no more spray painting the hallways." Mr. Brunner stated, but something was off. He wasn't looking at Leo, he was staring harshly, and coldly at me. Leo hesitantly picked up his books and left. As soon as the door slammed close Mr. Brunner stood and paced around his desk.

"Miss Crosby, I would like for you to read page 212 out of your Mythology Book aloud."

"But there isn't anybody here to-"

"DO IT!!!" He screeched turning a terrifying steely glare on me. I stiffled a gasp and tried to hide the shaking fear that racked my body.. He lifted a wriggling finger to his face and tried to calm his quaking and trembling.

I quickly opened my Mythology book and flipped to the page.

"From the Titan Oceanus was born a handsome Young Man named Nadah, who became a Titan as well. On the eve of his twentieth year, he roamed the beaches where Oceanus lived. However, he found a woman along the way. She was gorgeous, and powerul, a titan born from the Titan of Sorcery, Theia. Her name was Ula. She was the Titan of the Moon, Stars, and Sun, the Titan of Witchcraft.

"They united in marriage, and Ula became pregnant with triplets. Two girls and one boy. But there was great problems with the newborns. They were mortal, yet beheld great power. The oldest girl owned the mothers powers and the middle child, the boy, held the power of the ocean and water in his palms.

"The mother named the oldest girl Vivian, the Father named the young boy Galit. But the war of the ages started then, a war Poseidon could not prevent. They argued over who should bathe the Babe in the River Styx, feed her the heavenly Nectar and Ambrosia. Then again, two Titans of high upstanding is more powerful than one God of the Sea.

"To prevent the war from happening at that immediate time, Poseidon, or Neptune, took the little girl and set her on land where she could live in Harmony, hidden amongst the humans. Horror-struck by Poseidon's decision, Ula took the remaining girl and Nadah the son. Being Titans, they divided the seas, and lived in Yin Yang for all their days.

"But the search for the lost baby has never ceased. Ula and Nadah still live in Pain of their lost daughter and reside in their palaces on the light side and the dark side. But to the missing child, they named her Cora Marisabel." I read. I noticed Mr. Brunners shaking was more violent and there was drool foaming down the sides of his mouth.

"By the loosest definition," His voice seemed to be overlaping a thousand voices. "You are not human!"

Horror and fear rattled my soul. "I can't have you going around starting a war, now can I?"

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!" I screamed as he stalked closer to me. I scarmbled out of my seat grabbing my satchel, and backing away from him. His trembling hands reached out to me, and the skin of his hands disentegrated and fell to dust onto the floor. In the place of his dermis was fur. Brown fur stained and matted with old dried blood, and new blood; Blood from previous victims.

He had long black claws, that looked sharper the razors.

The skin distengrating process occured through every part of his body, until finally a huge snout broke through the skull of Mr. Brunner's head, cracking and breaking like an eggshell.

Through my numb paralyzed lips I found the strength to scream high pitched and loud.

"I cannot let another war of the ages start. I must kill you, Cora Marisabel." The beast before me snarled, his yellow fangs crooked and blunt, painful and long, hurt me just to look at him. Fear stabbed through my heart as I recognized this viscious beast. We had covered it in Old Norse Mythology.

This was the Berserker.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2013 ⏰

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