Once Upon a Time....<3

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This chapter is kind of like a bed time story. It's the twisted fairytale version of the real thing in the upcoming chapters. So this one was kind of meant for telling your childeren storied before bed.

"Once upon a time,  

"Before there was the Ying and Yang sides, the dark and light, There lived a beautiful mermaid, and a handsome merman.  

"The Mermaid was the fairest of all the mermaids, and the merman was certainly the most handsome out of the mermen.  

"One day these two met, and instantly fell in love. They were united in marriage and had three girls. Born at the same time, they were thought to be triplets. As expected, they greatly resembled one another, but they were not identical. The father finned the first little babe. The only way to become a mer-person, is to be finned by a mermaid/merman.

"The mother had the second child, and finned it.

"She was stunned to realize she was still not yet done! She gave birth to the last child, and the feud began.

"The mother and father both fought over who should fin the newborn babe. The argument turned into worse, and they split up. The human baby, not yet changed. But a miracle occurred. For so long, during that fight, she watched, she understood, and she BREATHED!

"Finally, the fight between the husband and wife turned into a war, a dividing of the underwater countries! Ying and Yang were established.

"Niraj, son of Oceanus, the father, became the leader of the light side, or, Ying.

"Laila, daughter of Theia, the mother, became the leader of the dark side, Yang.

"Poseidon was greatly disappointed in this division, but he knew it would keep the peace. So mer-people chose their sides.

"Thus, the non-existent war began.

"The mother took one babe and the father took the other.

"Should this be the end of this fairy tale? Perhaps not.

"What has become of the unfinned third infant? She was never forgotten. The rogues, (mer people who chose not to pick sides) settled that the only way the peace be protected, is if she took to the land, the only place mer-people would not think to find her, and to this day...

The infant has never been found and the peace has still been kept."

"But Momma, what happened to the third baby?" I asked her curiously, my eyes huge with questions.

"The story doesn't say." Grandma said, putting the book away to the highest shelf in my book shelf. "Now you need to rest child, you have swim lessons tomorrow." My grandma, Susan said warmly. Her chocolate brown hair with shade of salt and pepper gray in it, tickled my face, her tan, warm, aging face smiled warmly at me, and her warm, blue eyes shone down on me.

"And don't forget you have your dance recital after lessons and cheer classes the next day!" She called over her shoulder.

I giggled.

My silly grandma! She can't ever remember dates when they're set, so she uses me as her calendar!

She flipped off the lights and whispered goodnight. I smiled, and snuggled deeper into my covers.

OKAY so that's the first chapter, tell me if you like it! Any criticism? I know I didn't mention the little girls names, or any other details, but this is just to shoot it off. 

This was set back when she was 6 so there will be a major time gap in the next chapter....just saying.

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