New Place with new faces Chapter.2

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Alex's *POV*

I lay back, and I looked around wondering how I got transferred and where my family is my friends . Did I really die or was this a dream? I heard a knock and I have seen a lady. It must have been Ms. Augustine she speaks while checking me, making sure I didn't have any broken bones or any concussions to my head. She also looked for any broken ribs or any broken muscles and when she didn't, she said to me.

Ms. Augustine:" You're good to go, just be cautious, and please keep us updated and posted if anything hurts but other than that you're free to go."

I nodded my head and I gave her my thanks and I got up to sign my release forms

*Time Skip*

As I walked out of the hospital the sunshine hit me in the face, causing me to hide my arm over my face and when my eyes adjusted to the light from outside I started roaming around

As I was walking I was lost in the thought of my life before that I couldn't remember my past. As I was deeper in my thoughts, I bumped into someone and that said:


"Aye bro, I'm sorry I didn't mean to bump into you, I was lost in my thoughts." I say putting my hands up, I knew one thing my ma taught me was not to get into any fights unless you needed to. She was a wrestler and a natural killer they called her I couldn't remember, but that's all I knew is that she was a killer and a wrestler.

"Where you from, homie." He says sizing me up and looking at me trying to figure me out.

"Look, I don't want problems." I say backing up.

"Naw you straight like said where are you from."

"I'm from Detroit, M." I say still confused and lost.

"Oh word, I got peoples up there, you need a ride up there." He asked me:

"Naw I rather stay here and figure my shit out." I say looking down:

"Raise yo head up while you are talking to me, son."

And with that, I looked up, and I saw someone I knew back in the day when god knows how long

"Boogie is that you, I know that ain't you..."

"Yeah that's me how you know me."

"Yo ma was a killer dude, she wiped out the whole place after she buried you but now that I see you I can give her word you out here."

"Uh, please don't I kind of want to figure this out on my own."

"That's coo, just hit me up or go to Alley. You'll know it when you see it, and I'll help you out to Detroit."

"Yeah, thanks bro." I say dabbing it up with him and leaving.

"Yeah Boogie if you ever have problems, call me, and I'll handle it."

I gave a peace sign to him and I went on my way, that's when I heard little voices in my head and I held my head in my hands.

End of *POV*

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