Just a Ear to hear the pain Chapter 4:

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Alex's *POV*

I was sitting in the police station well in the interrogation room waiting for them to show themselves. As I thought this is a woman and a man came into the room.

"Hi Alexander Mather it is." She says with a gentle smile:

"Yes, that is me." I say leaning forward:

"Well, I have good news and bad news."

"Good news." I say quick to get to the point.

"I like him..." guy says, looking at me

"the Good news is there are no charges against you, and you won't go to court since you weren't an aggravated offender, so we won't charge, but the bad news is that you will have to spend 24 hours in a cell for pulling a gun out on the assaulter." She says closing the file:

"Is that it or is it a catch." I say, looking at her:

"No catch, like I said, the officer did see the gun, but they investigated, and they saw the gun wasn't drawn, so you have 24 hours to be here." She says while getting up:

"I do appreciate it." I say shaking her hand as it was out for me to shake, and I would rather not seem like an asshole and not shake her hand:

-Few Days later-

While being in jail, I made some new friends, and they were cool, and they helped me out a lot. Even though I didn't have a family, they took me in as their own I saw a Man walk up to my cell, and he took the keys from his hip and he calls out:

"Mr. Mathers it's time to go." He says unlocking the cell.

I looked at my family and I bind them goodbye one by one, and then I went out, and they gave me my stuff

-outside the Memphis jail parking lot-

"Poppa Dog how was it being locked up." The person from the other day said to me:

I rolled my eyes and I said to him

"Dude, it's been only twenty-four hours." I say waking and standing next to him by his car.

"I know, but you were supposed to meet me and the gang." He says, taking his toothpick out of his mouth and pointing it at me:

"You were supposed to be at the ally way to and to get you home. What happened "

"I was in jail for twenty-four hours. I got into an altercation with another person, and they pulled a gun on me." I told him truthfully.

"Ah okay. Well, yo ride is waiting for you."

"Aight thanks man." I say dabbing him up:

"Without a doubt, brother, you family." He said while dabbing it up with me:

End of *POV*

A/N's *POV*

As Lydia walked through the cemetery, she saw her son, and she laid the flowers down, and she laid the rest of his favorite things down, and she says while rubbing the tombstone

"Hey Poppa. How are you doing, baby."


"Yeah me too. I have kind of just been trying to be the best for your father. You know he's been drinking and taking drugs again after your death. He's been on edge, and I've tried to be there for him *Sighs* but if I am honest, it's hard doing everything on my own


"I know that is why I have decided to divorce him and take my life back."


"No, no not like that I mean I want to start all over with dancing. Actually being more than that, I started taking singing classes, and I've gotten better, so yeah what about you, you've got any friends up there."


"Shut up, no way.... I'm so proud of you."


"I'm fine with it if it makes you happy, I just wish you could have done it here instead of up there."

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"Your sister is doing wonderful she just got engaged and Stephen has moved, so everyone is doing good. I just need to find my footing and find my way....."

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"You can't say things like that to your rude mother you know I have gained a little weight, but I'll lose it like I always lose it...."

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"Ah first off, she is just a friend and I highly doubt she likes me back, and she is a wrestler. I'm a dancer and a singer.

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" I'm sorry what you told you. I'm sure I kept that a secret."

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"Oh yeah, well tell her I said thanks for opening her found."

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"Okay Poppa I have got to go I'll catch up with you some other time, enjoy the stuff I brought you and stay out of trouble."

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"Even if you are gone, I still have to give you a lecture about being on your best behavior."

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"Alright I'll see you later."

End of *POV*

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