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Chishiya couldn't stop the fluttering feeling in his stomach, as if the zoo danced and celebrated inside him and the butterlfies brought the tingling sensation and heat up to his cheeks. Unfortunately, it did not went unnoticeable to his friends.

"Damn.. did you save the world in your past life to grant you a sugar daddy like Niragi?" Kuina whispered.

Chishiya gulped as he stare at his friend with grimace on his face. He first thought his and Niragi's situation was only one time, but knowing the man want to see him again made it hard for him to even have the urge to decline.

"Shut it, Kuina. Finish your food, Usagi seems to have plans on stealing them." He motioned to the bob-cut girl munching on french fries that wasn't hers.

"Hey!" Kuina tapped her hands away.

"So... was he nice?" Usagi tried opening the topic about the man.

"Surprisingly." He nodded. "He wasn't like... I expected." Chishiya looked dowm on his food.

Kuina nudged him. "What were you expecting?"

"I don't know? Probably something like a man who would see me as a faggot or some whore that just want his money. After all, that's what most people think when I share them a piece of me like my sexuality and status in life."

"But, Chishiya. If he was like those men, he wouldn't bother driving you home with an expensive damn car." Kuina said.

"Tatta has been eyeing and saving money for a car like his, he said it was worth his whole existence." Usagi butted in.

Chishiya sighed, staring at his screen. Kuina was right. Niragi wasn't like men he had encountered. Niragi was surprisingly soft and gentle, unlike others who were aggressive and harsh. When everyone else's touch was rough and leaves a scratch, Niragi's was soft and it brushes against him, tickling like feather. Niragi was an exception.

Maybe he just have to be more open. Having someone isn't that bad.

"It's weird if I have him as a friend. Friends don't fuck." He reasoned out.

Both Usagi and Kuina choked on their food. Kuina having a hard time coughing and Chishiya handed her water.

"Ever heard of friends with benefits?" Kuina snorted.

"Isn't that yours and An's status?" Chishiya fired back.

Usagi had the loudest laughter while Chishiya had a satisfied smirk. Kuina's face was unreadable, like she was hesistating to strangle the blonde right in public.

"Can never relate." Usagi murmured with a teasing smile.

Later, Chishiya went home and his phone vibrated, alerting that he received a new notification.

[Messages] Niragi
Chishiya, are you up tonight?

He stared at the message for a minute or two before clicking the notification.


Chishiya are you up tonight?

For what

Dinner outside and some chat? Whatever you like

You sure?
Nothing else?

Unless you want to
Im alr omw to your apartment


Chishiya huffed his cheeks and looked at his wall clock. He hasn't eaten dinner yet and he had barely an hour to get ready.

So he took a sip of the root beer in his ref and changed clothes. Niragi didn't gave any idea for what tonight is, but since he mentioned dinner, Chishiya dressed himself up in between fancy and casual.

It didn't take long to hear the honking cars from outside. He put on his favorite Nike white jacket and got out of his apartment.

"You didn't tell me it was a fancy dinner." Chishiya lightly nudged the brunette's elbows while trying to hide himself behind those board shoulders.

Niragi chuckled. His arms wrapping around the blonde's shoulder and slowly making its way to his waist.

"No worries, sweetheart. I got everything in place." He gave the smaller one an assuring smile.

"I'm not dressed fancy enough." Chishiya whispered mostly to himself, not expecting for the CEO to hear.

"Darling, you are dressed lovely enough for me." Niragi tucked some blonde locks behind his ears.

Chishiya couldn't help the burn on his cheek. "You and your petnames.."

Niragi chuckled lightly and pulled a chair for him. "Don't pretend you don't like it, love. You've been blushing."

"There's almost no one here but us and the workers. Did you rent the whole damn restaurant just for two people?" Chishiya eyed the older, ridiculously.

"No, I didn't. This is just a place made for special reservations, I'd say." Niragi said.

"Special reservations, sure." The blonde scoffed.

The adult men had a peaceful dinner. It went smooth, a little quite and fancy. Chishiya kept rambling about the coming semester while the brunette listened with all ears.

Until the clock strikes 9 and they finished eating.

"So how was food?" Niragi asked while waiting for the bill.

"Actually reasonable for being expensive. definitely a 10 out of 10. If I ever passed med school and become a rich doctor, I'll definitely bring my friends here."

"I'm glad you liked it." Niragi had a soft smile.

"Why'd you thought of going out tonight?" Chishiya thought of asking.

Niragi wiper the corner of his lips, humming. "The semester is starting this monday and I know we'll definitely not have time for... whatever you call it. And I just thought maybe it wouldn't hurt to take you out."

"Are you, perhaps, attached to me in... whatevers ways?" Chishiya eyed him suspiciously.

"I don't know.. yet. But like I said, I prefer to keep you around."

The moon was a beautiful crescent that night they spent over fancy dinner and some red wine.

a/n: helo!!! i've been a lil busy,, but next uds will be posted soon after my hellweek ;)

follow me on twt @bbgniji! let's interact!!<333

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2023 ⏰

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